上周五和晓一起吃晚饭,好久不见,从她那儿听到不少高中同学的消息。我的高中同学中有好多已经“晋级”为人父母,I was kinda shocked, could hardly imagine those buddies with some crying babies, 高中的时光好像就在昨天一样。我好不容易才开始觉得安定的relationship不是件坏事,结婚或许也不会象想象的那么痛苦,but they already on the next stage of having babies, I am left out again, DANG! 大学2年级以前,我一直是个按部就班的“好孩子”,努力学习,成绩优秀,上好的中学,进名牌大学... 然后,突然有一天,“基因突变”一样,I am off the rails. 我的朋友们依旧沿着原有的轨道前进,--进大公司就职,安分且勤恳的工作,安定的恋爱,自然而然的结婚,生子... 而我呢,like sitting in a roller coaster, enjoying the ups and downs in life, well, for sure, its very much fun, but is it alright? I believe that there is not only one way to live our lives, but the "normal" way probably would be the easiest one, and no matter how rebellious we could be in our young days, sooner or later, we might have to get back on the rails, that is just how the society works. But its so tough to make the decision to stick with one thing, one way, when you know there are so many options out there, and such a big world to explore, so, life is about to have new experiences? or to achieve the perfection in whatever we doing?
今天在网上遇见George,好像有好几个星期都没有见他上网,我知道他很忙,他太太怀孕,且即将生产。结果,big news, George just became a father yesterday, a boy! Is it a baby boom something recently? Why everybody is having babies??? George兴奋的给我发他儿子的照片,很可爱的baby,虽然正面照看起来有点像只小猴子,LOL. George念念叨叨的讲着baby的眼睛有多大,鼻子有多高,嘴唇多漂亮,我笑,“Yes, will be just another heart breaker when he grows up.”听他说,他太太整整“生”了16个小时,他从昨天开始一直都守在医院,“Now I fully understand how great motherhood is, women are risking their own lives to give birth...”Well,我百分之二百的理解母亲的伟大,每一个母亲都很勇敢,but, what George said scared me so much. The whole idea of having a baby just terrifies me, not only the painful part of giving birth, but the huge responsibility for a new life, I cant do it, I cant even imagine that. My mom said, as a woman, if she has never given birth, her life is not completed. I dont know how much I have completed my mother's life, but for now, there is no any space in my life needed to be completed by a baby. I feel uncomfortable abt this baby issue, just like 5 years ago I felt the same for marriage, maybe I need another 5 years or less to get ready for it, according to some "experienced" people, women, once over 30, they would love to have their own babies. Well, then we will see.