Tough Guy Does Not Talk(铁汉不言)

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BUS CommuteNew JerseyNYC,不可避免地和很多司机打过交道。时间久了,发现一个有趣的现象,就是那些罗罗嗦嗦,边开车边说话(要么自言自语,要么和旁边的乘客侃大山),或者因为别人Cut line 不时按喇叭的司机,看似工作很认真,其实是最糟糕的司机。有一个指标可以衡量,就是坐这些司机开的车,一般到家都比较晚。相反,那些很少说话,即使打招呼也是一个简单的Hi的司机,其实效率最高,而且可以说非常Smart,知道在那种情况下应该走那条路。想想看,高峰时候往返与纽约城,能够在车林Van雨中穿梭自如,这本身就是一种高超的技艺。是我一个人有这样的感觉吗?No。按道理说,冬天寒风凛冽,在露天等车的滋味应该不好受吧,可很多人就是愿意多等一会儿,也不想做那些罗嗦司机的车,因为就算坐了,到家还比别人晚。

再想想,Tough Guy确实不说话。看看古今中外银幕上的英雄,有罗嗦的吗?如果有的话,大概就是《大话西游》里的唐僧了,呵呵。特别要说的是《终结者》里面的施瓦辛格和《中南海保镖》里的李连杰。前者那唯一的一句I will be back成了经典,而后者整部影片里寥寥无几的对白,使人惊奇于中国也有这样的铁汉。说起李连杰,上次回国的时候整好中央台播出对他的一个采访,看了以后,说实话,听失望的,话那个多啊,与银幕英雄的想象相去甚远,看来还是不要上电视呵

说起孩子,我发现现在的孩子都挺能说的,我老大就这样,害得我有时不得不出面制止,你说得太多了。说得太多好啊,至少比三棍子打不出一个屁的好吧?而且现在的社会不是讲究Presentation,学校不是一直要大家展示自我,一直在说You are Special吗?因此,有一个就要说10个。你看那些天天在台面上口若悬河的人物,不能说人家让你上台吗?


附录:现在的网络上真实无奇不有。前两天我一search "Tough Guy Talk",居然发现了还真有一个教人Tough手册,简单列举如下。再一搜索,更神奇了,居然有教人怎么Smile和怎么be Nice的…

 How to Be a Tough Guy

Being a tough guy is perceived as being strong, fearless, and sometimes egotistical and macho.

1.     Work out. Nothing says tough like massive arms. Get in the gym, hit the bench press and squats, and hit them hard. Don't tell anyone you've been working out either, come summertime the girls will be surprised at the pool.

2.     Make sure you wear clothes to reflect your toughness. Once you're in shape, don't be afraid to wear something a little tighter. Just because you look good in clothes doesn't mean you're gay.

3.     Do scary things. Scary things include twirling knives at the dinner table, being able to tell the exact dimensions of cartridges (Starters : 5.56x45mm NATO, 9x19mm Parabellum, 7.62x51mm NATO, 7.62x39mm Soviet, 12.7x99mm BMG, etc).

4.     Don't talk much. Don't ask for help. Never let anyone see you upset. Don't talk about trivial things, mostly stick to what needs to be said.

5.     Be mysterious. Allude to past events that caused you to be the way you are. Under no circumstances make anything up.

6.     Nothing hurts. Pain is imaginary.

7.     Be gruff, get that stubble look. 

8.     Be unpredictable. If you are unpredictable, people will not know what to expect from you, and this will discourage other "wannabe" tough-guys.

9.     Earn the respect of other people. Why be a tough-guy if nobody respects you? Earn respect by helping people with hard tasks that nobody else will take, but make sure you aren't a 'push-over' or 'slave-boy', or enforce your respect (Depending on what side you are - good or bad). The choice is up to you!


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Neither me like men who are talkable, never end.