我说每个社会都有他们不同的制度,与你的不同,就想去改变,这对吗?你们有什么权力?老公这时看我来真的了。马上解围,解释了西藏的前因后果。他对西藏的了解比我多,对中国的历史知识比我强。这帮混蛋们居然就相信了。就因为他也是白鬼子吗? NND ,大家还真的 CALM DOWN 了。又开始继续喝酒。我又把话题转向了他们,问他们魁北克要独立,你们是否都投赞成票?又一通的争论开始了。
这群混蛋,我已经很久对 TMD 狗屁政治不敢兴趣了,今天又让我激动了起来。
剑吼西风 发表评论于
科夫 发表评论于
lujizize 发表评论于
huangshang 发表评论于
CIA已经把大量武器运入西藏 ( http://www.atimes.com/atimes/China/JC26Ad02.html )
Indeed, the CIA can expect a significant level of support from a number of security organizations in both India and Nepal and will have no trouble in providing the resistance movement with advice, money and above all, publicity.
However, not until the unrest shows any genuine signs of becoming an open revolt by the great mass of ethnic Tibetans against the Han Chinese and Hui Muslims will any weapons be allowed to appear.
Large quantities of former Eastern bloc small arms and explosives have been reportedly smuggled into Tibet over the past 30 years, but these are likely to remain safely hidden until the right opportunity presents itself.
The weapons have been acquired on the world markets or from stocks captured by US or Israeli forces. They have been sanitized and are deniable, untraceable back to the CIA.
BTW, if you go through some comments made by these Canadians on the Tibet issue, you will see that they are basing their judgment on false data, e.g., 1.2 million Tibetans killed by PLA during the 1950's, Han Chinese out-numbering Tibetans by 2 to 1 in Lhasa, etc., etc. It is mind-boggling how simple-minded some of these people can be and at the same time, it shows how big of failure the Chinese government's PR job has been.
outlier 发表评论于
Are these Canadians? I have two words for them: First Nations. Of course, that is one way to make an argument. Maybe some of the links in this article can be passed to them:
if you don't know enough, of course you can't answer those questions. you should learn the knowledge first. arguing things one has no clue makes one seem ...