吃完晚饭,把洗碗的任务留给老妈,我们父女俩就上路了。去哪里呢?女儿说她的juice没有了,正好去一趟中国店买点她爱喝的soy milk。一路要经过大学城,正好让她练练上次失败的Stop sign。容易,几分钟,我们就到达目的地。花了几分钟,就买好了,出门。总不至于就回家吧?“老爸,Where should we go now?”
“How about we go to see some neighberhoods, some rich subdivisions?”女儿当然高兴了。
先经过几个老一点的小区,女儿说不错:All trees are tall enough, nice and neat houses, quiet neighborhood。然后,老爸让她转方向,开到城外郊区,看新区的大房子。哈,30到100万的房子就是不一样,女儿在最著名的那条街上跑了个来回:“Wow, nice--huge houses. I bet most of them cost more than half million dollars.”
老爸接腔:“I know the women bastketball head coach used to live here. The price is dropping and some houses are sold at 350K to 500K now. See, this is what money can buy, and if you work hard in the future, you can own one like this.”