She is there receiving LOVE. She did not GIVE as she should. She LOVES herself more than anything in 18 years. She can marry an old man as long as there is money and immigrant status she craves for. When she made the choice to marry her husband, AGE maybe an important factor. An OLD man with money, look, her chance to get all of his money is even greater if he dies. If she LOVED her husband - Actually she only loved herself, she has gotten a lot more in return. And, She STILL wants more, more. And, there are lot women like that out there... So, guys with money, regardless of age, do a prenuptial agreement. It is like a health insurance, you hope you do not have to use it. But you need it.
Marriage should be a mutual giving and taking relationship. For i8 years, this 8mao's every expense was covered by her husband. She worked, too. But money goes to her private account - did not give single penny, even as a gesture, to her family in Canada. She has been taking from her family in Canada for 18 years to support her family in China. Where and what is her obligation to her family in Canada? She is a taker, not a giver. Her husband has been a giver. The pattern is there. Anybody can see that. It is legitimate and very reasonable for her husband to make arrangement for his children's future after he is not around anymore. This 8mao did not want to sign? Why? She has bought a big house for her child already. She still wants more? I do not think she deserves it. I think her husband's will is to make sure his children will be taken care of after his death. She will get her share, but not all of what he has. What is her motive to marry him to begin with? Love? Maybe, maybe not. I just can not imagine, 18 years spending her husband's money while tackle away her own as private money. What did she contribute to the family in Canada? Again, WHAT is her motive to marry him to begin with? Love?
A marriage is a mutual giving and taking relationship. It is not supposed to be one way street.
Advice: If you have a lot of money, please do a prenuptial agreement before you marry someone. If she is not for your money, she should sign it - which means she loves you. Otherwise, she is not the one for you.
我把8毛的故事讲与我美国老公听,他半天没明白过来,以为我编什么故事。我逼他以美国人的思维 make comments on it。他从不爱八卦。
他吞吞吐吐说,以他个人的看法:要么这个加拿大guy18年根本不爱这个老婆,仅仅是需要她serving ;要么那个加拿大guy的三个孩子跟她过不去,也不喜欢她。否则,不可能中国的继子从未赴加探过亲,不可能对她在遗产上如此计较刻薄。
jwayne_1 发表评论于
kind of interesting, when a woman left her child in the cold for another marriage, there are so many critism. for a man who did this, most people would just say "another chen2 shi4mei3" or "another bao4 fa1 hu4", then move on. why so harsh on women????
it is not 信任. it is "let small things go" and "have affection". 信任 is for friends (i mean real friends, not the kind of fake ones such as blog fans). i thought i could be 刻薄 some times, but my goodness, some of you gals / guys are really 刻薄.
My comments earlier were for "Golden Wheatfield" who claimed to be in this country for years
马小辫儿 发表评论于
维妮 发表评论于
village1 发表评论于
Issue is issue. I feel there is great need to focus on issue. It is OK to have difference of opinion. It is NOT OK to attack on others with different opinions. That does not bode well for you in anyway. There is not need to drag out"Country, Motherland, Yang Nu..." Have been in this country for years, REALLY? What did you learn? You could stay in motherland. Why are you here? Do you know that word "respect?" Please focus on issue at hand. It is the fact in life: Number one thing married couple fight about is MONEY. Look at in choosing spouse or boyfriend, what is the top criteria for most women? MONEY! Think through before you jump on people whose opinion is different from yours. Don't you want to protect your money in a mixed marriage situation? I am assuming you have basic civil education and standard.
Most women come to men for what men have. Well, it is important to have "pre-nup" or/will in place. Do not try to use Chinese method to analyze back and forth. Do not think foreigners are supposed to be stupid to hand you money /other fiancial asset. There are many "famous" Chinese sayings teaching people to be careful to protect him/herself. You think it does not apply to others except you? I will do the same thing to protect me or my asset to make sure it goes to the ones I choose. This has nothing to do with country or motherland - do not use Chinese Communist teaching to analyze it.
Simple question: Put you in his shoes, do you want to make sure your money goes to the ones of your choice? I will do everything in my power to make sure it happens.