最近女儿大学最好朋友兼现在的roommate L 要走了,去U.Pen的Wharton读MBA.女儿周末回家,又旧话重提:should I do MBA or not?
先给点女儿的background: 东部大学本科毕业后,因想家回到湾区在top inverstment bank工作,后又跳槽到旧金山一家 private equity firm. 喜欢本职工作和公司,当然收入也不错,胜过学工程出身的老爹和老妈。
下面是女儿自己列的 pros and cons:
- it's fun: Top business schools have a lot fun travel programs, for example: climb a mountain in Africa.
- build better network: Graduates from top schools will be the future bankers and CEO, CFOs.
- better career path: With banking experience, after MBA (from top schools), auto promote to VP.
- expensive: 200k for 2 years
- time consuming: 2 years, she already has an ideal job. Why bother?
- severe competition: HYP MBA programs are almost impossible to get in, anything less is not worth it as she is already better off than many MBAs from lesser programs.
Is it possible to become a VP without MBA? Yes, but more difficult. You have to work hard to get promoted. With MBA, you get it automatically.