try to look into chinese local media reporting about tibet and western countries call to boycott china olympic, anybody interested in doing a presentation about how ridiculous the chinese government is doing to control the media locally???
国际反华组织“student for free tibet"将要在London, Paris 和San Francisco 在 四月6日, 7日和9日 示威游行并要阻止盛火接力甚至熄灭我盛火.希望并恳请在这些城市的中国人能防止藏毒和西方反华势力的阴谋。不能让祖国为此而被人羞辱。
Re:Verhältnis zu China 18. Mrz.Hans S
warum lebst du hier ??? scher dich zum teufel oder nach cina wo du es besser hast mit Knüppel und WAFFEN. HITLER -CINA POLITIKER sind genauso bescheuert wie DU und merke dir eins! mit solchen äusserugen wird man RASSIST!! ES SIND MEHR WIE 60JAHRE vergangen-- wir haben damit nichts mehr zu tun und wollen es auch nicht mehr--Vestanden!!!!!!!!!!!
Re:Verhältnis zu China 18. Mrz. Hans S
angelika was schreibst du da?? wir brauchen cina ??
wenn du produkte von diem land erwirbst --PASS auf das keine Spione drinn sind. haben wir unser land u. technologi nicht selber auf gebaut ohne cina .-wovon hat cina denn die heutige technologi doch nr von abguken -spionage- die größte bevölkerung sind die land leute und die leben noch wie inder steinzeit --wir haben mal gehungert --aber die leute hungern heute noch.!wir haben noch keie Ratte verzehrt.!brauchten wir auch nicht
Re:Verhältnis zu China 20. Mrz. '08 11:07 Uhr Jonas
Angelika P! Ist aufgrund ihrer Liebe zu China deshalb erlaubt, dass die Menschenrechte außer Kraft gesetzt werden? Ich denke nicht! China geht massenhaft Menschenrechtsverletzungen und ignoriert alle friedlichen Proteste, stellt sich auf den Sockel der Diktatoren. Warum muss Tibet besetzt sein und die Menschen werden gefoltert, gemordet und verschwinden ganz. Auch eine Liebe hat Verantwortung und tun sie nicht so, als wäre alles nur ein Missverständnis - China ist eine Diktatur und wir brauchen sicher kein Wirtschaftsverhältnis zu einem Verbrecherstaat. Die Wirtschaft ist auch ohne China gut gelaufen und ein Wirtschaftsboykott würde China selbst am meisten treffen, dann dann bleiben sie auf ihren Billigzeug sitzen. Auf jeden Fall werde ich kein Auge auf die Olympischen Spiele richten, dass mit Blutzoll durchgesetzt wird.
Re:Verhältnis zu China 20. Mrz. '08 11:15 Uhr Jonas
jiang S. Die Deutschen haben aus ihrer Vergangenheit gelernt, deshalb ist diiese Äußerung ist dumm. Der Krieg ist 60 Jahre vorbei, aber China hat Tibet vor 40 Jahren brutal überfallen und knüppelt seine Bevölkerung heute noch nieder oder benutzt sie als Organspender. In Deutschland gibt es keinen Krieg und da werden "andersdenkende" auch nicht gefoltert und gemordet und verschwinden auf Nimmer wiedersehen! Wir haben gelernt, aber China kann nur kopieren - keine eigene Identität.
回复4everdude的评论:我给你下的定义为:你就是个畜生.你还恬脸引用名句,不过我感兴趣的是你叫嚣的那个Samuel Johnson 是英国的那个那还是美国独立时期的William Samuel Johnson.是前者的话,他有一个警句很适合你:你可以从人的枷锁中解放,如果你把自己当成畜生.至于后者他的的确确不爱他的祖国_英国,因为他有新的祖国并为此而抗争.
mawenli_691 发表评论于
hi ,
This link is good, but can the author remove the dirty words from it so that it will be more polite to every one.
“No child should be shame of his own mother.”
Really? So, even if a person’s mother is a drug addict, thief, or a bank robber? He or she shouldn’t feel shamed? Should this person stand up and say: Stop, mother. I am shamed by what you do!
well done, good job!!!!!!!!!!
I were so so angry every time when i read news about Tibet lies from yahoo. but i could not do anything, only stop reading their lies and i started to read true news from wenyuecheng.Does not mind how many years i left China, in my bottom heart i care about and defend for my own contry. i were so shocked Chinese Embassy staff in Canada could let these Tibetan(or not?) to down our national flag, what did they do there? scared? how humiliating?where is our dignity? But western media news would not report it right?
As a Chinese,we should always proud of our own country whatever your opinion of our government.No child should be shame of his own mother.
i were crying to watch the Tibetan's history. my English is not good enough to tell the history to every one, now i could show this vedio to let them know, Tibet is part of China.Thanks.
to be honest, is that the outstanding character of German?
daerduo99 发表评论于
I am crying when seeing, for our motherland, for myself. I am chinese, be to frank, do not care what happened in China, now I know, i have to stand out for my mother country, that is also for yoursel! I am in Germany now, i felt they are more honest, anyhow, this time i saw the urgly side of their media.
If you still have a chinese heart, stand out for yourself!
to 张晓涵
xchen5 发表评论于
many americans that I know believe that media should response to the truth, whenever they are western or not. If we have evidences to show anything untruthful or fake in their reports, it is better to sue them, because this may attract more media. Even though we may not win, the truth will be spreaded out by the evidences we show in court and their media.
jayk750i 发表评论于
zaq1zxcv 发表评论于
张晓涵 小姐
注意题目是“Report: 100 dead in Tibet violence”
但是现在都已经链接到哪里呢?:“Police search door to door in Lhasa”,图片还是同一张图片,请对一下内容吧
shao1234 发表评论于
Indeed, China should change her way of governing media system. It's outdated, primirative, and extremely slow. That's why there is a huge misunderstanding between China and the outside of the world.
有关Washington Post 的那篇报道,我上网查了,人家明明都注明是在尼泊尔的示威
以下是washington post 的图片说明:
Security forces tackle demonstrators during a pro-Tibet protest outside the U.N. headquarters in Patan, Nepal, on Monday, March 17. Nepal is home to many Tibetan exiles who have fled the province over the decades since China assumed complete control in the 1950s.
Euan Denholm - Bloomberg News
Proteste auch in Nepal und China. “在尼泊尔和中国的抗议者“
刚看了报纸:san jose 今年已有12起杀人事件 san francisco 有20 起。 oakland 32 起。
临时用户 发表评论于
BBC 改了,但是网页修改时间却是3月17号,又一个谎言!
这位华裔学生指责CNN扭曲了这张照片的意义。但事实上,照片下的文字是:“Tibetans throw stones at army vehicles as a car burns on a street in the capital of Lhasa.” 照片上的两个人看起来是在扔石头,下面的文字说明也指出藏人在掷石头。我不能完全肯定CNN 为什么把照片的另一部分裁去。可能是篇幅问题,也不能排除他们在编辑上的偏向性。
中国政府禁止国际媒体进入西藏报道。那么,他们也只好用二手材料: Video provided live by CNN affiliate Hong Kong Cable showed armed police, dressed in riot gear, walking through Tai Yan Dao -- near the Potala Palace where the Dalai Lama lived before going into exile 49 years ago.
There was no sign of violence between the police or residents.
CNN 同时也注明消息的来源,这种职业道德和标准中共媒体是缺少的: Tibetan exiles in India cited unconfirmed reports that at least 100 people were killed and many more injured in violence that started when Chinese police blocked a march by monks in Lhasa on Friday. China's state-run Xinhua news agency, citing the Tibetan government, said 10 were killed. "The victims are all innocent civilians, and they have been burnt to death," an official with the regional government told Xinhua. Because of the extreme difficulties in getting news reports from Tibet, it was impossible to independently verify the death toll or the number of those injured.
good, the foreign medias are correcting the mistakes
here is one of the news articles before correction. Thanks for Google's cached webpage. So far, the cached one still showing the non corrected version.
Well, CCTV is terminating it's free broadcasting, and let other paid stations take it's programs. I've never seen any other country do that! They are just giving up their own publicity!
sideshowbob 发表评论于
rancho2008 发表评论于
Did you go to the websites I pasted in my comments? If you went there and you would find they are not the same as the photos posted here. I wonder if you sent the links here to your foreign friends, what would they say?
Thanks so much for your article. I feel sad that at the moment, most foreign medias and ppl are so excited to point fingers at China. However, it is our responsibility to let them know the truth. If I have a blog, I will ZT it.
Please for everyone who has a blog, ZT it, let more ppl to read it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
zlu34 发表评论于
Dear friends,
It's time to unite togther to fight against the ugly Western Propaganda. We'll let our opinions to reach Chinese as well as Western People.
rancho2008 发表评论于
BBC网站上见到的救护车下面的英文说明是:There have been many reports of injuries and deaths in Lhasa(此说明配合救护车,并不是如上图所说的military presence)网址是:
FOX新闻的网站上这幅照片下面的说明是:March 15: Indian police drag a Tibetan protester outside the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi, India.(已说明是印度警察)网址是:,2933,338610,00.html+fox+news+rioter+roundup+Tibetan+governor+promises&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=2&gl=us
CNN网站上这幅照片下面的英文是:Tibetans throw stones at army vehicles as a car burns on a street in the capital of Lhasa.(已说明是藏人往军车上扔石头)网址是:
ewatcher 发表评论于
zlu34 发表评论于
Can you make a Youtube?
25 发表评论于
Does the Chinese government know that the western media distorted truth on reports about China? Maybe we should write to the Chinese government and let them know. Why foreign journalists cannot go in to Tibet? Because this is China' internal matter! Chinese government will decide how to solve the problem!
biz101 发表评论于
someone should translate it to english and then all can forward link to others and put on popular websites
Where are the lawsuits?????
Where are the lawsuits?????
Where are the lawsuits?????
Reader213 发表评论于
The best way to deal with slandering is lawsuit. Media will be more careful after they are penalized by damage payments and negative publicity to themselve.
What are the lawsuits?????
What are the lawsuits?????
What are the lawsuits?????
What are the lawsuits?????
What are the lawsuits?????
Well done Mate! Your have done what I wanted to do! This is the true colour of the Chinese people!!! I am very proube of you and I believe all Chinese are proud of you. We are not approving what the Chinese government are doing in Tibet but WE ALSO STRONGLY CONDEM THE Western Propaganda one sided anti Chinese people's images! Living in Western Society, we found it is really hard to put true voice from real Chinese people especially, they have given no sympathy to those Chinese people killed in Lasha by the small numbers of Tibetan Holligans. If the same thing happened in Kosoval, it will be treated as racisim attaches!
Wake up! Chinese People!! We do not believe the Western media on Tibetan issue anymore. We mush get do something to get the truth out!
A huge thanks to this real Chinese!
mymotherlandchina 发表评论于
I totally agree with you, my friend!
Because sometimes no one can know what will happened next. In order to keep stability, forces must be used in some special cases.
mymotherlandchina 发表评论于
A good video for showing the truth to western countries! Who knows how to manage to transfer this video to BBC or CNN or German TV? I am a chinese, but for the moment my computer can not type chinese. I greatly thank this video maker. If Someone who knows how to broad this video to Taiwan , please do it because the fabricated pictures were speaded in Taiwan TV progam. Our officials at home just want to be promoted or corrupted more money. Our CCTV and other media suffered serious disease.
yuan2 发表评论于
Why Chinese government doesn't allow reporters to enter Tibet now?
战洪图 发表评论于
flyinghorse73 发表评论于
It is our responsibility to stand out to tell the truth to the western country. Any efforts to do so should be encourgeed.
flyinghorse73 发表评论于
It is our responsibility to standout to tell the truth to western people. Thanks for the efforts made. I suggest that all comments be written in English or other foreign language so that the foreign people can read.
long68 发表评论于
need to consolidate this with links and we can send them to Western media comment/feedbacks to protest!
Please aggregate url links etc to make the protest easier.
It's not a matter about what the Chinese government/media does or does not. The root of the problem is that a government controlled media system is not entirely trustworthy in the world's eyes, because the opinions offered are not free. Even if truth is on our side, its credibility is discounted when the truth is reported by people's daily. However, this author of the video doesn't have the problem, which makes the video more credible.
The western media has a bias towards Chinese government control. They believe more in what normal people say, than what the officials say. We, as normal people, should stand up and represent the voices of 1.3 billion Chinese people as necessary.
BTW, here is the official video from Chinese government: It is in Chinese and returns a clearer picture what really happens on this riot.
zxl00001 发表评论于
So called free and fair media!!!!!!
vw 发表评论于
一筐 发表评论于
freeda6 发表评论于
剑 发表评论于
Very good article. I support your opinion. Yes, I am wondering why China government's official TV and other program can not beat other's anti-China propodanda in the oversea market. It is a shame. If China has truth, why we should be afraid. China should spend more money on this and it is more powerful than developing advanced weapons.