Childish 的男人没能力没出息,讲一个真人真事

大概7-8年前,面试一个 Tech. candadate, 是个美国白人小伙子。人看上去挺精神,也不吹不擂,还算满意。面试后,我向管人事的那位征求意见。她说: “Everything else seems to be OK, but he is a little bit immature." 我问为什么,她说: “When you asked him if the salary range is ok with him he said he needs to talk this with his mom. He is aready 24." 我觉得这话有道理。但因没有更好的人选就把 offer 给他了。 后来才发现当时真应该听那位管人事的话。大约一年后,实在无法忍受, 就建议他找份新的工作,三个月后他自己 resign 了。
