有的干脆拜顾客为上帝(The Customer Is God)。既然顾客已经与上帝平起平坐了,还有什么可说的呢?“上帝”自然永远是对的 ,哪有和上帝计较争辩是与非的道理?该打该骂也任凭他老人家发落了。即使上帝错了,陪不是没得说;如果上帝对了,陪不是没商量。谁有胆量得罪“上帝”?咽不下那口气也得咽,承受不了也要承受。
The Customer Is God 或者美国人更经常说的The Customer Is Always Right,在生意场上似乎已是千真万确、天经地义、颠扑不破、放之四海而皆准的真理了,然NO,世上还有一位不信这个邪的‘挑战者’,且是位女啲,美国女。看看她的所作所为,那真是一个顶呱呱不简单的‘女中豪杰’。
可能这位姓锐娣的美女还在娘胎里便开始接受“人人生而平等-- All men are born equal.”的胎教,从小就有了‘人人生而平等,人人都是上帝’的高级理念。又不知何时把我们中国人延续几千年的传统信仰“士可杀不可辱”,兼收并蓄‘中为洋用’了?导致这起枪击血案。所幸虽伤及要害但没闹出人命,终是‘一失足成千古恨’。
Washington, Pa.--A hairstylist shot an unhappy client after she complained about her haircut, police said. Lauren Newton, 28, was getting her hair cut Thursday at the home of Monique Reed when the two began to argue about the style, police said. "She (Reed) went to the bedroom, got a gun, fired a shot in the ceiling," Police Chief James Blyth said. Newton, who was trying to flee with her sister, then was shot in the lower back, he said. Reed, 38, was charged with aggravated assault(重度攻击罪 ) and reckless endangerment(鲁莽伤害罪). She remained in jail in this southwestern Pennsylvania town in lieu of $50,000 bond. Newton’s injuries were not considered life threatening. She was taken to a hospital in nearby Pittsburgh for treatment.
我是做小生意的,最怕的就是碰上任何一类的“上帝”。我天天向上帝祈祷的是不要让我遇到“上帝”。天父啊!阿门!阿弥陀佛!主啊!。。。。。。除此以外,我也很怕和“department of unfair trading" 打交道, 他们是“上帝”的忠仆,会变着法子让你有冤无处申。
everafter 发表评论于
It's very simple:policy is for customer's convenience but if people abuse the policy we will pay for it eventually.
shaq 发表评论于
The price you paid already includs the quality insurance, The problem is our Chinese did not know that based on our shopping experience in China. I did similar things to return sport shows and DVD players to Sears and Walmart. Chinese are too kind!
I knew someone did such thing years ago: at the end of the warranty period, destroyed his IBM laptop's LCD, on which he got a complete coverage, then asked for exchange /repair. IBM had to reimburse him a brand new machine at his old one's price range since it's worthless to repair. The consequence now is that you don't have the option to select complete care anymore on LENOVO laptops' website. They are just reluctant to provide it, given the fast hardwares renovation, and the policy being taken advantages of.
I am not saying anything wrong with this sort of policies, however there do exist many unethical "customers" taking advantages of this. There should be some restrictions on return policies, as some stores already carry nowadays.
Who got hurt at the end? I don't think the stores would bear any losses, they probably will transfer losses to producers, eventually the manufacturers in the developing countries will suffer the most。
biowizard 发表评论于
Be reasonable when you return things. Business needs to make money to remain open. The way to remain in business is to raise price if everyone is in the habit of returning used products. 羊毛出在羊身上.