
Last Updated: Sunday, 16 March 2008, 15:05 GMT

Many of the activists take a more radical line than the Dalai Lama himself. For years now he has campaigned for genuine autonomy in Tibet, not for independence. But a new generation seems increasingly impatient with nuanced diplomacy

I\'ve already received a request from Tibet, he said. Don\'t ask for the demonstrations to stop.
I\'m a spokesman for the Tibetan people, not the controller, not the master. It\'s a peoples\' movement, so it\'s up to them. Whatever they do, I have to act accordingly.


nile 发表评论于
虔谦 发表评论于
希望祖国统一, 人民平安幸福.

世界上哪个国家, 你要它领土割裂, 恐怕没有一个国家愿意.