“The Man in the wild”

野人之谜-“The Man in the wild”

原帖:http://web.wenxuecity.com/BBSView.php?SubID=mysj&MsgID=18693 By: 一语湖边

在世界范围内,在将近100年的时间里,曾有数以万计的人目睹过一种与人类相似的巨型动物,说它有一双大脚,几乎踏遍了亚洲、非洲、美洲的深山老林。由于它样子古怪,生活条件奇特,当地人给它起了不少地方俗名。。。。。。。Nearly a century, the so called “Wild-man –a man-like animal on this planet”, claimed seen, by hundred and thousands of people, somehow in existence. His giant foot-prints are found almost everywhere in the remote forests from Asia, Africa, and America. There are countless names given locally for its mysterious looks and the ways of living unknown.

最具争议和轰动效应的是这段1967年美国人帕特森用摄影机在加利福尼亚北部的一处山谷拍摄的大脚怪影片。一时间真伪难辨,肯定与否定之争,使本来就谜一般的现象更加神秘了。The most arguable and sensational movie was filmed in 1967, by an American named Peterson. He captured this “big-foot” monster in his film in a valley near northern California. However, it makes the story even more mysterious an enigma; true or fake? Positive or negative? People in a time found it hard to decide.

毫无疑问,惟一可靠的证据就是找到活体、尸体或者较完整的头骨和肢骨,即非化石标本。时至今日,由于种种客观原因,从上世纪七十年代的两次大型考察至今,尚未捕获一只野人,也没有获取更切实的实物证据,因而有人认为,世界上根本不存在野人。于是引发了一场持续十几年的有无野人的辩论。Ideally, the only and most powerful say is to capture this “man” alive, found dead, or even a bone of limbs or something called non-fossil found as a sample. But, many reasons caused two surveys in large scale failed to give anything evident in real sense, some people denounces the existence of any ‘man’ as ‘wild’. The provoked debate had last for more than a decade.

野人存在与否的争论还在继续,但时至今日,有关野人的考察和研究仍然是各国众多科学家不畏艰辛,跋涉于茫茫林海和崇山峻岭中不断探寻的自然之谜。随着时间的推移,野人之谜终会被解开,我期待着野人的谜底大白于天下的那一天。The mystery continues, people still are arguing, searching; various surveys and inspections are undergoing, teams of varied nations are still out there in the deep mountains hoping to decode the mystery. As time passes, hopefully the puzzle will be dissolved; among many, I am also expecting that the day will soon arrive for the genuine picture to be finally unfolded.

约翰雷K. Shaw Burlington, Ca. 

2008    三月

Post for personal interest, and revised on Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Contact: lakeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China) john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( International )

