Captain Doom and Skeleton Z

A first-grade student's graffiti. Nothing but fun.
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On my ship there are 5,000,150,035 pirates. Their captain is called Captain Doom. He had an evil guard name Mr. Guard. His weapon is like a baseball bat with spikes. One day another captain called Skeleton Z sending his skeletons to attack captain Doom. But Skeleton Z had a secret plan. He turned around and went flying in the air and landed on the ship.

Skeleton Z destroyed eveyone in his path. Fire the cannon!but it did not work because they can not see the skeletons. Just then one pirate got turned into a skeleton and he saw his brothers. He fired the cannons and destroyed 500 skeletons. Now the pirates are winning. The skeleton who destroyed skeletons turned back to a pirate. Now Skeleton Z only has 20 skeletons. Skeleton Z is losing.

But Skeleton Z did not give up. He send his twenty skeletons to help him to kidnap Captain Doom. When they got there two guards named Guard Two Thounsand and Trap Flame Guard. Trap Flame Guard trapped the skeleton with flame net... and threw them into the sea. Captain Doom and his pirates surrounded Skeleton Z. All of the pirates attacked but they can not destroy Skeleton Z. So captain Doom, Mr. Guard, Trap Flame Guard and Guard Two Thousand transformed their faces.. And.. Captain Doom used laser light, Mr Guard used baseball bat and Trap Flame Guard used flame net and Guard Two Thousand used ice beam killed Skeleton Z.
