上个周末,下了很大的一场雪。厚厚白雪覆盖下的世界变得出其安静。原计划的事因为天气的原因都被取消了。就在这个静静的下午,女儿忽然有感而发的些下了下面这些话, 让我觉得6岁半的女儿一下长大了。。。

I miss my pet skittles. She broke out of her cage. Now it got lost. I am sad. I can't find her. She is a hamster. I am going to sell origami for $10 so I can tell people to help find my hamster. Because she is in the forrest. No person is allowd to go inside it. So we will have to go somewhere else. Like the park. She might be hiding in the snow. I am so worried about her. I  don't know if she lost. The sun is shining now. I should do my piano. So I can go outside and see if she is there. She is very small. So it will be hard to find her. She has a little tail. She is white and brown. I want to find her. But I can't. She is too tiny! I can't believe that she is so tiny. I want her back. :(
