记得几年前有一阵我好像得了轻度抑郁,繁重的课业,渺茫的前途,与父母的分歧让我觉得活着是一种痛苦。每天早上起床心情都很灰暗,什麽事情也不想做。到了晚上的时候,心情往往会降到最低点。我对老公说如果不能快乐得活着的话,为什麽不选择离开这个世界呢?劳工在多次劝导我无效之后,就对我说:”Darling, when I married you I planned to give you a happy marriage for the rest of our life. If you really think that it is more painful to live than to die, could you at least promise me 10 years of happy marriage? Afterwards if you still think the same way, I will let you go.”( 记不太清楚具体数字了,好像开始是25年,几次我不同意之后最后好像是降到了10年。)我想了想觉得这日子还是有盼头的,就答应了。