

                          晚上妈妈去接,阿姨说宝宝喜欢和班上的女孩子玩儿。男孩子跑来跑去,有个小男孩PUSH了她,结果她PUSH BACK。阿姨称赞宝宝会保护自己,哈。

: 宝宝
did well in the morning. She ate half of her lunch and a cookie. Now she is napping. She even came up to the teachers and gave them hugs etc! They put her beach towel in her locker and she only cried a little then is fine without it. (She is sleeping w/o her gou gou bei bei).

 妈妈: 宝宝was ok. Cried a little bit then sat down to have pancakes with other kids。


妈妈: 宝宝 was doing ok in the morning. She ate all her lunch plus the yogurt, except the fruit. She is taking a nap now. I saw her have running nose this morning so I gave her some Tylenol, the teacher say she doesn't have noticeable running nose in the morning.


中午宝宝吃了两块PIZZA,结果吐了两口,吓得爸爸妈妈赶紧回家。路上爸爸买GATORADE(补充生理盐水)时还把VISA CARD丢了。



: How was 宝宝? She seems fine and even bye to me when you left.
   妈妈: She cried for daddy when seeing you get into another car.
  Then came back to normal - sad and cried when dropped at day care
    me: Oh. I saw her say bye with her hand.
    妈妈: She did say baba bye bye, but you couldn't hear because the window was closed
    me: oh.