中国投资公司负责中国主权财富基金, 总经理高西庆( Gao Xi Qing)最近接受哥伦比亚广播公司CBS 的采访。该投资公司 5 个月前成立,现有 180 多员工,拥有 200B US$ 。中国主权财富基金是国际第五大该类基金,先前在 Morgan Stanley 投了 5B$ , 但也在危机重重的 BlackStone 投了 3B$ ,在最近美国普遍悲观的金融环境下,又在 Visa 投入 100M$ 。
Gao Xi Qing ,54岁,曾在杜克大学读法律,后在美国前总统尼克松的法务公司负责华尔街方面的事务,回国后帮助中国改革经济、建立金融证券股票交易体系。在美国看来,他对华尔街银行体系了如指掌,很有一点当年两弹元勋从美国海龟的意味。中国庞大而且持续上升的外汇储备和对外投资能力,似乎成为金融经济的核弹头。
In an exclusive interview with Lesley Stahl, the head of China/>’s new sovereign-wealth fund pledges more transparency to allay fears that China/> will try to use its vast investment ability to exert economic or political control in the U.S./>/>
they are full of sh!t. truck load of them.
涩郎 发表评论于
I watched this program too. One question reporter asked is so biased:
She said when Gao's fund to grap many US stocks at their weakest hour as being a vulture. This is so double standard. China did not invent the vulture fund. Vulture capital investment is a typical capitalism thing, but when China also does it, suddenly it became a problem.
They want China to be more open and follow capitalism footsteps, but if China in control, then they did not feel right anymore.