十四世達賴喇嘛為擁護協議事致毛澤東主席的電報 (with English Translation)



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   中央人民政府毛主席:今年西藏地方政府特派全權代表噶倫阿沛等五人于19514月底抵達北京,與中央人民政府指定的全權代表進行和談。雙方代表在友好 基礎上已于1951523日簽訂了關于和平解放西藏辦法的協議。西藏地方政府及藏族僧俗人民一致擁護,並在毛主席及中央人民政府領導下積極協助人民解 放軍進藏部隊鞏固國防,驅逐帝國主義勢力出西藏,保護祖國領土主權的統一,謹電奉聞。

China’s National Bureau of Archives released a telegram fromthe 14th Dalai Lama to chairman Mao Zedong in 1951. The full text ofthe telegram is translated as follows (a temporary translation and improvementmay be needed):

Chairman Mao of theCentral People’s Government:

The local governmentof Tibet sent a fully-authorized delegation led by (Ge -Lun A-Pei, Pinyintranslation for the moment, name in Tibetan needs to be verified) and thedelegation arrived in Beijing in April 1951 to sign the Agreement On the PeacefulLiberation of Tibet with the fully-authorized delegation of the centralgovernment. The Local government and the Buddhism-believing people of Tibet allsupport this Agreement. We will enthusiastically (or actively) assist thePeople’s Liberation Army entering Tibet under the leadership of Chairman Maoand the Central Government on the national defense to repel the imperialistpowers from Tibet and to safeguard the territorial and national integrity ofthe Motherland.

To notify as above
