旧VICKY和JUSTIN日记整理-18 个月 02/06/06

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time paying, educating kids, so Wanwan and Xiongxiong love him so much. Besides Wanwan can repeat most words we spoke, like " bi, shu,

 er, hua, and the etc..." Xiongxiong has very limited words, but I know most boy can not compare with girl's language capability in childhood' early education. Still I should train them more.....and find more books to give them more imaginary space.....


My parents have been with us for almost 3 and half months, though my dad's health is not in good shape but I hope they

enjoyed staying in US.

The kids are developing pretty fast, Wanwan has bigger vocabulary, her most favorable word is "baba", John is a good dady, he spent all his
