<<蓝莓之夜>>--cross the street

谁道闲情抛弃久? 每到春来, 惆怅还依旧.
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因为王家卫, 因为一个浪漫的片名, 我看了《蓝莓之夜》. 这是一部很不错的电影, 讲述了一个美国失恋女子在自己情感的失落中看到其他更多的失落灵魂. 虽然是王家卫的作品, 且能很明显地看到他的风格, 但影片还是相当地道地表达了西方文化, 特别是美国社会人与人之间缺乏深层沟通的问题. 
近来我好象不太兴趣去看这样题材的电影, 大概本身就想逃往更简单的生活. 好在是王家卫, 不是简单的呈现问题, 而是不断地思考问题. 从冷清的酒店, 邋遢的环境, 死胡同里的争吵, 赌场里人性的挣扎......最终会让你发现这些都只是人生的过程, 你要做的就是脑筋要转弯, 最终你得这么做, 因为你必须走到一个新的高度.
王家卫电影的另一个吸引人之处就是其对白, 这部电影也不例外, 如对客人落在店里的钥匙的见解:
I've had customers leaving keys here for years. Sometimes they pick them up in a few days Sometimes it takes a few weeks...Most of the time, the keys stay in the jar.
Well why do you keep them? You should just throw them out.

No I couldn't do that...If I threw these keys away then those doors will be closed forever. And that shouldn't be up to me to decide.
或许我们无意的举动会永远关上了别人的门, 我们为什么要做?

There's nothing's wrong with the blueberry pie. It's just people make other choices. You can't blame the blueberry pie.
选择就只代表选择, 或许人们习惯了那样的选择, 说明不了其他.

而印象最深的就是片尾女主角的一段话, 她花了一年时间终于可以迎接新的生活:  
It took me nearly a year to get here. It wasn't so hard to cross that street after all. It all depends on who's waiting for you on the other side.

对街会有一个我们期待的人等着我们吗? 就看自己怎么想了. 无论怎样也该碰碰运气, cross the street!
