侧向思维 -- 寻找答案这是俺从城里三个坛子外加朋友们的伊妹儿收集来的答案
- She can take one from bag and hide it. Then let people to find color of the other stone left in the bag. --DS
- 你一定是小时候读过阿凡提的故事。我也是。--LR
- Hey, Just a few years ago, a 28 years old married a 82 years old. 女孩应该just go ahead to marry放债人who is for sure younger than 82 years old. -- TS
- Since this is 50%-50% chance, she can request to change rule.
1) 如果她选了白色的小卵石,那么她必须成为他的妻子,并且她父亲的债务将被勾销。
2) 如果她选了黑色的小卵石,那么她就不需要成为他的妻子,而且她父亲的债务也会被一笔勾销。
- Negotiation is involved with both sides. Letting the girl to pick up the stone is only the ‘creditor’s request which is not necessary to be accepted by the girl. The girl could pretend not know the tricky and say: ‘ OK, you (the creditor) pick the stone. If you pick the white one, I would marry you. If you pick the black one, we wash out!’. Put the ball back to the creditor. -DJ
- She picks one stone from the bag but not showing it to anyone.
Then, she asks everyone to check what's still in the bag - a black stone.
Then, people with common sense would draw the conclusion: whatever in her hand must be the white one.
- She hides a white stone in her hand and then pick it out from the bag --JS
