他问我知道不知道 DALI (达力), 中国政府害怕逮扑 DALI (达力), 所以就把他踢出中国, 并说此人是世界上最伟大的, 最令人尊敬的人 (the greatest man in the world)。我想了想,说不知道 DALI (达力) 是谁。 我问为什么称一个大多数中国人都没听说过的人为最伟大的, 最令人尊敬的人, 老大说这是因为DALI (达力) 要求 freedom and human right 从世界上最强大最顽固 (stubborn) 的政府。
我说: “我知道他是谁,你连人家的名字都拼不对,我们称呼他为 DA LAI LA MA, 不是达力。此外,达赖喇嘛主动叛逃出中国的,不 是被踢出中国的。中国政府不喜欢他,是因为他想分裂,西藏独立。”
老大说:”我没有听他说过独立 (independence), 他说的是自由和人权 (freedom and human right)。我气势汹汹的说: “Do you believe me?” 老大赶快表态: “Honey, I believe whatever you want me to believe.”
第三次谈及西藏问题, 是火炬在英法的时候。老大满脸遗憾的表情从 TV room 出来: “似乎人人都在反对火炬,反对 Olympics in China 和支持西藏独立 free Tibert。What a mess.” 我“哦”了一声, 继续盯着电脑屏幕。
老大接着说:“如果我是中国政府,我会说 OK to free Tibert, 让西藏 take care of themselves,同时让全世界人们都闭嘴。” 我吃惊的说:“绝对不可能。我想任何国家都不会主动让出土地的,任何国家都想扩张国土。”
老大急切的说: “We do. We do give out land the other countries. ”“ 5年前我们把 **** 给了 **** (国家)。我们拥有和修建了 ****, 那个国家想要它, 我们就给他了。” 用星号代替地名与国家,是因为我没有弄清楚。听起来向小地名,小国家。
Study history, not the media, the truth is not to be found in the television broadcast.
----Chris D.Nebe (Monarex Hollywood company)
serious discussion between an Australian teacher and Tibet human-right organization for fact finding:
The real current Tibet (in China) situation observed by an American who had been in China for several years:
Other Monks in Tibetan in Exile are oppressed by Dalai Lama, they sued to India court, discovered Dalai Lama's so-call religion Freedom:
to: Bali
oh, oh, forgot the main point about australia, our lovely PM Ruddo would never tell the aborginals that they have the chance now to decide if they want to be indepedent or not (or at least split part of the australia continent from the mainland).
democracy is always limited to mainstream people.
smith34 发表评论于
to Bali:
how are u doing bro! i know indonesian a lot and really your concern is the ugly fact that occurs everywhere else, just like the chinese in indonesia does not have have much rights until now, just like papua people have no right to be indepedent and people in aceh are fighting in jungles until now for indepedence.
its a ugly world, keep pray!!!!
laojie 发表评论于
回复Bali的评论: If there is no other countries trying to manipulate Chinese (Han, Tibatan, Man...) in this despicable way, the day of voting for a united China will probably come sooner. Since you brought the issue of fairness using Australia as an example, here is a few questions you need to address on an equal basis,
1. Did/Do/Will Native Australians get to vote whether or not they want European Australians to go back to Europe?
2. Did/DO/Will Asian/Latino/African Americans get to vote for a free California/South/North?
When democracy does come to China someday, it is not just Tibet people but also all other ethnic groups in China will be able to vote. Do you realize that democracy is in general a useful tool for the majority?
"What are they protesting against? Protesting against Tibetans' right to protest against Chinese government? You think this is not hypocritical?"
These people are protesting against West media, who are lying, unprofessional,... These protest do not attack people, do not kill people, do not burn your house down, not like the criminals in recent Tibet riot. Those criminals, by the very definition of the West, have committed genocide or at the least hate crime.
If your intention is the same as mine, i.e., for a democratic society in China, your effort can focus on what can speed up the process instead of delaying the process.
Bali 发表评论于
It would probably be only few years before Australia becomes a repulican country. When Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd raised the issue with the Queen on his visit to English recently, her answer was: it is up to the Australian people. Tibetans will never be allowed to vote. You think this is fair? There have been a lot of protests by "Chinese" holding American/Australian/whatever passports recently. What are they protesting against? Protesting against Tibetans' right to protest against Chinese government? You think this is not hypocritical?
Several issues here, I like to invite your discussion for the possible answers:
1. If Tibet is independent now, will its government have a right to invite foreign troop to be deployed in its territory?
Yes, No.
2. If Tibet becomes independent in the future, will its government invite foreign troop to be deployed in its territory?
Yes, No.
3. If the independent Tibet government do invite foreign troops to be deployed in Tibet, what kind of foreign troops will be?
a. Troops from USA
b. Troops from NATO
c. Troops from India
d. A combination of several countries.
4. What will be consequences for Xinjiang if the above incidences happen as planned?
a. No riots in Xinjiang
b. More riots in Xinjiang
c. Xinjiang moving to independent too.
5. What is the consequence for the oil pipeline in XinJiang-Ganshu corridor if Tibet is deployed with foreign troops?
a. The pipeline will continue to be safe
b. The pipeline will be cuttoff
6. What will be consequences for Sichuan, such as xichang satelite lauch base?
a. will be safe as before
b. will be moved to hubei for safety
7. What will be the consequences for Inner Mongolia?
a. Move to independ
b. Stay the same as before.
laojie 发表评论于
我和我的美国老公说:For better, for worse, not for free Tibet. 你试试这招看。
丑民 发表评论于
blacklight 发表评论于
Big thanks for sydnee_97 who posted the linked below. I think this is the ultimate post with unbiased oponions one could ever find on internet.I admire for the author's capacity and dedication!
READ-THE-LINKED-POST! You will be better equipped.
This is a quoted summary close the end of the thread posted by one forumer:
I am always troubled by the contradictory between the public speeches on some political issues given by the Dalai Lama, and the real teaching of Buddhism, which often opposes the Dalai Lama his own position as a Buddhist, and often it sounds very stupid. In other hand, as a political figure, the Dalai Lama had full of miscalculations in his whole political career. He started his political gambling in the beginning of the cold war, supported by the CIA and India, ended up in Exile in Dharamsala, India . then he tried again in 1989 during the ending of cold war, he didn’t get any thing, but empty hands. The world political power structure has been changed completely in the last twenty years, now, the Dalai Lama wants to go back to negotiate with Beijing, but he has no more cards in his hand, no effective strategy, and no power behind him this time, accept those Tibet lobbyists, who doesn’t have real better idea to help him either. As long as he continue making his confusing, some time even stupid comments, I don’t think that the leaders of Beijing will make it easier for him any time soon.
何仙姑 发表评论于
你劳工要是爱你,早就被你洗脑了。爱屋及乌嘛 你也是的。。。只会。。
smith34 发表评论于
to 未了:
very precise deion..........
although, are u chinese government agent? or at least you are communist party member, royal member!!!!
lianggeren 发表评论于
回复爱毕生的评论:yes, just like you. brainwashed by CCTV and GCD...
flyingwolf 发表评论于
Please check Tibet Exile Government's own constitution if you think Dalai dosn't want to TI. He wants not only independent in current Tibet region, but also in many other areas. Read it yourselves.
具体点的例子,可以参见最近一期 Times 的 Olympic Shame;还有美国方面1944年(国民党执政时期)拍的 Why We Fight: the Battle of China —— 宣传片里面,西藏、新疆、外蒙古都是中国的领土;虽然,讽刺的是,那个时候,1911年到1949年间,达赖喇嘛实质上独立运行着西藏(由于中国内忧外患,当朝政府反倒没时间管理西藏;英国人也才趁势和西藏独立政府划了麦克马洪线,留下了如今中印边界的争端不断)
summer_rose 发表评论于
青海 发表评论于
美国小学生每天早上宣誓:Under God, One Nation, Indivisible. 不就是美国不允许分裂么?中国学习也应该这样做。
HCC 发表评论于
You were wrong on the issue of Tibetan independence: Dalai Lama said repeatedly that he is not purusing TI -- the information that you gathered from the GCD is false.
Deeper 发表评论于
If your Hb realy like to know the real Tibet, please go to follow web site( all from westen resurce )