To uss6972:起码我不会因为某些产品有问题就会conclude这个国家来的所有产品都是junk,这就是我和你的区别。
理解你很爱美国,为什么不去和Uncle Sam多说说你有都爱美国呢?另外,你应该感谢中国人养育了你给了你读中文的能力在这儿批判中国人的爱国心。我承认中国有很多问题,但是至少她一直在making progress!!!子不嫌母丑,当然I don't expect you to remember this ancient Chinese teaching.
阁老 发表评论于
laozimmmm 发表评论于
to uss6972
你的英文液态有水平了,education 前面也可以用some ???
纽约公司老黄牛 发表评论于
to ASS6972:
you took talkshows above human value. do you know what americans think of talk shows? just some bs to have a laugh. i saw many talk shows too. lots of them are full of discriminations or sex jokes.
you are teasing people who cant read english. how's yours?
you used to live with one american old man. does it mean you've been changed into american? no way! americans dont agree.
reading a the comments from ass6972, i'm able to tell that you are too young in this country. if i'm right you grew up in a small remote area in china and never attended top university in bj or shanghai. you came to the states not more than 5 years.
you get a lot to learn. save your time to learn something real, kid!
wxcdave 发表评论于
"Try to listen to some radio talk shows. Don't just watch CCTV. I assume you know some English, if not, get some education. My advice! "
I believe you listen US radio talk shows too much, so your interletual level is so lower. Do you understand that a product which is made in China dose not mean that the owner of the product is a chinese company! For example, a lot of the recall toys are American companies' products, such as Mattel Inc. Usually US companies provide the design and specifications of the toys and Chinese manufacturers just manufacturing them based on the owners design and specs. A lot of the recalls are due to design and spec problems. Mattel's senior vice president was apologizing to Chinese Government for their design and spec mistakes, do you know that? I guess not because you just listen to those stupid US talk shows! You got to ask youself this question why the US medias were misleading US people? Why the news the Mattel's apologizing to Chinese Government was not broadcasted in US???
BTW, 美国的TALK SHOW 是个 秀, 主持人均有自己的而且带有偏见的立场, 这是连他们自己都承认的事实。 如果你真的听了那么多TALK SHOW, 你应该明白。
the world is full of mafias, so we did wrong things, so we exported poisons, so we killed tibetans, so what!!!!!!!!
just like americans, so they killed million iraqi civilians, so they killed most of the american indians, so they helped israelli to kill middle easterns, so what!!!!!
smith34 发表评论于
to: 我爱中装, bro, there is no need to be so hot blooded.
to: uss6972, no wonder westerns kick your ass like a dog since you dont want diginity anyway.
Thank you for your advice.
uss6972 发表评论于
Try to listen to some radio talk shows. Don't just watch CCTV. I assume you know some English, if not, get some education. My advice!
uss6972 发表评论于
I don't argue with 义和团 like you, we are simply not at the same intellectual level. Don't tell me you (will) become US citizen or your kid is born US citizen (I assume you are in US, since PRC people can't even read this site, nor CNN). Peace!
我以前住过美国人家,老人对我说过五十年代时日本货就象垃圾一样,后来进步很多。今天大陆货里确实有很多垃圾,过去两年我至少去WalMart, Target退货十次以上。毒牙膏,毒动物食品确有其事嘛。若你的孩子的玩具含毒,刚好是越南或印尼生产的,你也会至少骂两句吧?TAKE IT EASY!
致那些认为自己是美国人的黄种人:假如你在美国中西部长期住过的话,你应该知道在typical Americans的眼里,台湾来的也好,香港来的也好,中国大陆来的也好,都是Chinese,所以不管你有多恨不得自己变成白人,被CNN骂的人中也包括你,unfortunately。So don't ever bother to criticise our efforts to speak out because we speak for all Chinese, you included.
让我觉得奇怪的是,CNN此人称美国从中国进口"junk",well,没有人哭着喊着逼美国的中产阶级买中国货。如果都不买的话,起码中国的污染会好一些。令人恶心的是,美国人一方面享受着中国的cheap labor at the additional cost of environmental pollution in China,一方面叫嚣中国货都是junk,有本事别买!!!
Don't wanna be an American idiot.
Don't want a nation under the new media.
And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
Well that's enough to argue.
Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along in the age of paranoia.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
Well that's enough to argue.
Don't wanna be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information nation of hysteria.
It's going out to idiot America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
Great statement! It speaks out what I want.
I am very proud of being one of the protests in L.A. today! I feel like that I have cried out all of my sorrows from the bottom of my heart by doing it.
greyleggoose 发表评论于
helpthanks 发表评论于
强烈支持. 明明是CNN和Cafferty在侮辱中国和中国人, 偏偏有一小撮人拿共党和名主来说事,不知到底是谁在这里别有用心的在这里煽动. 所有不愿他和他上一代或下一代被称为"垃圾""暴徒和恶棍"的中国人都应支持Los Angeles 的游行!
Hey, your so called traditional culture does not include the western so called "democracy", so what are you? If you feel you are suppressed by the government, go ahead protest in China. To fight for your ideal world, you need to sacrifice your blood, your life. Hiding on cyberspace and spiting venom, you are not a man.
纽约公司老黄牛 发表评论于
the damages caused by CNN, other major media and politicians are getting worse and worse, far beyond insulting chinese that simple. attached you may find some american comments full of discriminations against chinese people. one from Jakey2 talked about stop purshaing products from china. comment from HL123 is me.
letting chinese get poor is what you guys want? iwanttospeakup, 高处看 and your buddies?
Strongly support!
Meanwhile, we will try to communicate with the environment in the western world, let the world to know the real China. And let the world know our Chinese is great: honest, diligent, responsible, friendly.
I believe you are mixing up the two. You thought you were defending the Chinese people but ended up defending CCP. CCP goverement made the whole Olympic thing too political and ended up in a mess. If they had only arranged some torch relay (not the sacred torch relay!) in a few Asian and Pacific rim country, things would not have been blowing up like it is now.
you were in Tiananmen square in 1989? we know that some of the attendee then were simply jerks. Those jerks took the event to show off him/herself. hope you were not one of them.
Great, LA guys! I can't wait to join the local one in NY.
To iwanttospeakup and donzhu, It's a matter of defending Chinsese people instead of Chinese government. Please don't mix two things together. I spent half of my life in China and half in the States. In 1980s I was in Tiananmen demonstration against Chinese gevernment. Now you call me brainwashed too? By whom? CNN? C'mon!
Seeing your comments "Cafferty 没说错。。。", I understood what jerk means.
to iwanttospeakup
Wow, so many haters here. But chinese government has brought China to a premier power in the world, what have you done? Swivel wheels or brandish shitlike democracy sign?
iwanttospeakup 发表评论于
tzuuyi 发表评论于
I don't like Chinese governemnt at all. However, CNN went too far this time. It clearly aimed at Chinese people. I don't understand why some people object protesting against CNN. They seem forgot they are Chinese also. Maybe they got personal grudges against Chinese government which is understandable but please support the protest because it is for the Chinese, not Chinese government. If you are silent, then American will really think you are weak jerks.
Of course, the state-run news agency lies all the time. According to the news agency, Liu Shao-qi was a traitor, Deng Xiao-ping was a bougeoise, there were also a bunch of rightist, 516, etc. You might argue that those were in the past.
donzhu 发表评论于
I thought all along you were just a commie. Now that you admited it, "你和中国共产党是人民内部矛盾"
donzhu 发表评论于
Of course. The government there just sentenced activist Hu Jia in prison. The news agency said Mr. Hu tried to overthrow the government. Now you have a reason to protest in Beijing now...
I did grow up in China and had been working in China for 10 years. I only been oversea for seven years and went back china regularly.I know what happening in china and be proud of it. Thanks.
you are right, now she can apply for Green card,and later,citizenship ....but I just really warry about her parent, poor parent....
Did Xinhua news agency say anything bad about Chinese?
Could you think?
donzhu 发表评论于
真有本事回北京去游行去! Xinhua news agency lies all the time. How come I did not see any of you guys protesting in Beijing?
Wang Qianyuan herself is very happy currently.
donzhu 发表评论于
Kaihh 发表评论于
HuangHeHao 发表评论于
Great Action! Great article!
Did you grow up in China? I did. If you did, you should have seen how great the difference is between current China and culture revolution.
The thought in our Chinese mind is very flexible and open.
Gochinago 发表评论于
To billwong: 不晓得你在中国受了什么天大的冤屈,为什么不在美国上街游行晒晒呢?为什么不去CNN控诉一番呢?既然美国给了你这样的自由。
对了,您是美国人应该用英语写才对,以为您老人家已经彻底Americanized把中文压根忘了。您看的应该是Times, Newsweek, 而不是文学城。
Not just in US, all of westen country, canada, France, England.......
半山腰 发表评论于
阿宽 发表评论于
card12345 发表评论于
Sadly enough, none of the major US media has reported this event.
NoMoral 发表评论于
What VOA reported is true. Do you read news?!!!
察其言观其行 发表评论于
美国不会改变其无耻、骗子的行径!请看周五VOA新闻:China Calls on Citizens to Tone Down Nationalist Fervor
China is urging its citizens to cool their anger over international protests of the government's crackdown of anti-Chinese protests in Tibet. A number of Web sites have been created in China calling for boycotts of French goods after pro-Tibet protesters disrupted last week's Beijing Olympic torch relay in Paris.
The state-run Xinhua news agency issued an official commentary Thursday calling on Chinese to channel their "patriotic zeal" towards economic development.
The commentary appears to follow a previous pattern in which Beijing allows its citizens to express angry sentiments towards outside entities, then tries to rein them in before they spiral out of control.
Angry students and citizens staged violent anti-U.S. protests in 1999 after the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was mistakenly bombed by NATO warplanes.