Tower of London (1)
One of London's most famous landmarks, the historic Towerhouses the Crown Jewels and served as the prisons for many includingthe "Bloody Marry".

Locatedon the bank of Themes and next to the Tower Bridge. Many ay havemistaken it as London Bridge which is a mere modern bridge clogged withtraffic.

Hereis where the Crown Jewel resides. The guide at Tower of London israther entertaining, mixing the stories of the history of the tower andjokes of how their queens and kings sending each other to be beheaded.

Thetour book said that the key to visit the Tower is to beat the crowds.So I went there just before the Tower opens up for visitors. It turnsout to be a good decision to beat the crowds.

Normaly,this place is awefully crowded with turists from all over the world.Since it's the early morning that most of them haven't arrived yet, theplace is kind of quiet and neat.

The Tower actually offers a great view of the Tower Bridge.

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