My Dream World

當思念靜止一刻,時間彷彿從心底緩緩流過; 少年時光的冰河, 在陽光里化成了沉默. 曾經那些年少的承諾, 已經隨着微風缓緩飄過; 花瓣從樹梢迎風飄落時, 就讓這一刻變成永久...
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My Dream World

I like to look up at the stars,

In the darkness of the night

And think of all the goods things

We enjoy when in this life.

My mind can wonder free like a bird,

Like in a world all my own,

Or like an eagle in flight

Far above, to worlds unknown.

I then can be what I want to be

I can do the things I want to do.

I can go the whole world over.

It's also possible for you.

Dreams are what we are made of,

They lift us up to heights unknown.

When we're down and discouraged,

And we're feeling all alone.

So dream your dreams when all is quiet,

And noise and distractions are all gone,

From all of life's trials and cares,

And dreams can become your home.

It may be anywhere you want to be,

Or something you desire to do,

Whatever it might be, you choose,

For your dreams belong to you.

No one can take them from you,

That world that you create,

For you are in another world.

The dream world you have made it.

BlackOrchid 12-Apr-2008

BlackOrchid 12-April-2008

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