宋德利: <<古文英译 >> 1: 桃花源记

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《桃花源记》汉译英 《古典散文名篇英译》之一

见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。具答之。便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。村中闻有此人,咸来问讯。自云先世避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉,遂与外人间隔。问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。此中人语云: “不足为外人道也。”




During the middle period of Taiyuan years (AD 376 – 396) in Tang Dynasty there was a person in Wuling County who made a living by fishing. One day, he went boating along a stream, forgetting how far the way was. Suddenly he spotted a peach grove, several hundred square yards, sprawling along both banks and therefore making the stream sandwiched. Mixed no other trees, fragrant herbs are fresh and beautiful; f; in riotous profusion, falling petals embroider the grove with color. Rather astonished, the fisherman continuously rushed headlong attempting to reach the bottom.

Finally the grove ending at the source of the stream,, there appeared a hill with a cave which had a tiny mouth, seemingly a wisp of light flickering there. Leaving his boat outside, the fisherman got into the cave. Extremely narrow at the beginning, the cave allowed just one person to pass through. Yet, several decades of steps further, a vast panorama suddenly stretched before him. The lands were even and open. The houses were tidy and clear. The glory spot was pockmarked with plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like. Crisscrossing, paths in the fields were accessible from all directions. Cocks and dogs could be heard. Coming and going, men and women were busily cultivating the soil. They were all dressed just in the same fashion as outsiders. Both yellow-haired old ones and hanging-haired little ones were happy and contented.

Astonishing when seeing the fisherman, a native asked where he came from. He readily answered all his questions. The native invited him to his homes, then busily preparing wines, killing hens and cooking dishes. Heard of such a person and other villagers immediately came and asked questions enthusiastically. They said that their ancestors came to this secluded spot together with their families and fellow villagers to escape the great disorder in Qin Dynasty. From then on, they had never been out again and therefore secluded themselves from the world. Asking what dynasty it was, they should know nothing about Han Dynasty, let alone Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. The fisherman told what he knew to them who could not help having all sorts of feelings welling up in their minds. They also invited him to their home and served him with wines and foods. Staying here several days, he left. Someone said: “Here is not worthy mentioning to outsiders.”

Going out of the cave, he found his boat and made signs marks along the way back. Arriving in the county, he went to the magistrate and told him the whole story. The county magistrate dispatched some people to follow him and look for the place where he made signs. look for his marks. Yet, getting lost, they could not find the way again.

Learning this, Liu Ziji, a hermit of Nanyang, gladly planned to go. But he failed to realize his plan and soon died of an illness. From then on, there had been no one else to search for this mysterious spot.





1.晋太元中:太元,晋孝武帝司马曜的年号,在公元376- 396年间。中,中叶。




During the middle period of Taiyuan years (AD 376 – 396) in Tang Dynasty there was a person in Wuling County who made a living by fishing. One day, he went boating along a stream, forgetting how far the way was. Suddenly he spotted a peach grove, several hundred square yards, sprawling along both banks and therefore making the stream sandwiched. Mixed no other trees, fragrant herbs are fresh and beautiful; in riotous profusion, falling petals embroider the grove with color. Rather astonished, the fisherman continuously rushed headlong attempting to reach the bottom.


其中的“晋”,属于朝代。记得上学时,老师教的朝代口诀中就有“三国两晋南北朝”之说,因此我翻译成Jin Dynasty。而“太元”,则是晋孝武帝的年号,因此翻译成Taiyuan years。至于“中”,意思很明显是在“太元”年代的中期,说专业一些叫“中叶”,而中叶的英译是 the middle period,因此“晋太元中”本该是During the middle period of Taiyuan years in Tang Dynasty,但考虑到外国人对中国的年号没有概念,所以既照顾汉语读者,又照顾英语读者,我采取二者兼顾的方法,在英译中以引号的形式添加人们熟悉的纪元年 (AD 376 – 396)加以解释,恐怕这样比较好。 于是,晋太元中才翻译成During the middle period of Taiyuan years (AD 376 – 396) in Tang Dynasty,故此说明。

这句话本来是武陵人的一连串动作,但为了清晰起见,我先是说武陵有一位渔夫,之后再另起炉灶,说他的那一连串动作,这样译者译起来轻松,读者读起来也容易。于是在有:there was a person in Wuling County who made a living by fishing. 其实“武陵人捕鱼为业”就是“渔夫”,很简单的一个单词fisherman,也就是说完全可以译成“there was a fisherman in Wuling County,但我考虑到忠实原文,以及行文语气的需要,还是把这位渔夫直译成 who made a living by fishing.

原文中这两个语段显然是无主句,但由于现在是挑出来单独翻译,因此必须加上主语he,而他的两个动作:“行”与“忘”,原文看上去是并列的行为,但为了使句式灵活多样,我采取了“行”为主,“忘”为次的译法,即前者用正式动词,后者用现在分词,因而译成,he went boating along a stream, forgetting how far the way was. 为了表示时间概念,我添译了One day, 从而使行文前后衔接紧密,免于突兀之感。

我翻译时把前面三句合成一组,包含两个行为者,一是渔夫,二是桃林。其动作分别是:渔夫“看到”,桃林“夹岸”并(匍匐)数百步,其中的“匍匐”是隐形的动词,翻译是要将其置于光天化日之下。造句时主语好比衣领,谓语好比衣袖。二者搭配方成衣服。理清主谓结构的走势,造句时即会得心应手。于是我的译句就是:Suddenly he spotted a peach grove, several hundred square yards, sprawling along both banks and therefore making the stream sandwiched. 从译文中可以看出,这上述的几个动作中,我以渔夫的动作为主,他看到了桃林,而桃林的动作则是次动作,因此用现在分词形式表示。桃林有两个动作,二者似乎有些许因果关系,因此我在第二个动作making之前,添加了therefore,以显示动作的层次感。

本句采取简单的直译法。当然这三句中的主语有三个:杂树、芳草、落英。这三个词组都是偏正结构,也就是说主词“树、草、英(花)”前分别有修饰语“杂、芳、落”,前两者是形容词,后者则是动词,翻译时一般可采用动词的现在分词形式表达。我在这里是这样处理的。所谓“杂树”就是其它的树,因此我用了简单的other trees, 为了传达一些“杂”的韵味,我选添加了“混杂”之一,用的词是mix,而时态语态则是过去分词mixed,含被动之义,即“被混杂”其中。
再说说草。在英文中草分各种不同的种类,因而含有不同的含义。一般来讲,grass 是最通用的。还有weed,但二者的区别在于,前者是含褒义的,除了泛指草之外,还有人工种植的含义,而后者则是含贬义的杂草。比如花园里,如果是grass, 则显得可爱,要加以爱惜,而如果是weed,那就一定是在被铲除之列。另外就是herb,草药之草,则用此字,比如中草药,则不能用grass, 而应该是Chinese herbal medicine. 而“香草”之类则要用herb,不信请查《新英汉词典》,而“香草”即是这里的“芳草”,拿来用就是了。当然,herb本身已含“芳”之义,但为了行文和语气,添加了fragrant“芳香”一词,但愿没有“叠床架屋”之嫌。
而“落英缤纷”,我原来的译文是:falling petals are in riotous profusion,参考了《实用汉英词典》里“落花有意,流水无情”:While the fallen petals yearn for love, the heartless brook babbles on.
不过我又看到《我们的国家公园》第323页里有这样的句子:From June to mid-August, wildflowers embroider the meadow with color. (从六月至八月中旬,野花以斑斓的色彩装点着草地。)embroider是绣出花纹等。实在形象生动,美不胜收。于是就把原来略显单薄的句子改成现在的in riotous profusion, falling petals embroider the grove with color. 效果显然比原译好得多。
请注意,“落花”的“花”不要死译成flower(花),因为仔细想起来,春花飘落时,其实飘落的只是petal(花瓣),哪里是整个的flower(花),美丽的花瓣随着和煦的春风纷纷扬扬,美不胜收。而如果整个的花朵落下来,那该是何等萧瑟失落。再说,除了遭到狂风暴雨的袭击或者因病虫害等原因枯萎死亡之外,哪里会是整个花朵都飘落呢?因此要用“落英”是petal“瓣”,而不是flower“花”。再者,我选用的动词“落”是现在分词形式,这样有动感,似乎正在纷纷而落,而不是早已落在地上的,如果早已落在地上,哪里还有“缤纷”的意味?现在分词falling体现的是过程,而过去分词fallen体现的是结果,过程比结果生动,因此我才选用falling petals,至于“缤纷”in riotous profusion,riotous,就是色彩缤纷,如The garden is riotous with colors. 花园里色彩缤纷。则是“大量、充沛、丰富”之义。

这三个短句,第一个本来是前面剩下来的,现在我把它和后面的联成一气,以“渔人”为主语,一共三个动作:异之、前行,欲穷。在这三个动作中,我只选择“前行”为唯一的一个主动作,其它两个动作分别置于句首与句尾,为呈现多样化和灵活性,分别用过去分词和现在分词形式表达:Rather astonished, the fisherman continuously rushed headlong attempting to reach the bottom.
“复前行”,原译为went forward continuously,但我发现美国读者文摘出版社出版的《我们的国家公园》(Our National Parks)第230页中有如下的句子:Constantly replenished by frequent rains and melting snow, streams and rivers in the Olympic rush headlong from the heights to the sea, sometime making spectacular leaps along the way, like one at lovely Soleduck Falls. (由于频繁的降雨和融化的积雪不断地充实水量,奥林匹克公园里的小溪与河流从高地向大海一往直前地奔向大海,有时就像索里达克瀑布那样,沿途还会奔腾跳跃,景象极为壮观。)
将rush headlong(向前冲)借用此处,再贴切不过,正好可以表达渔夫那种在迫不及待地心情驱使之下,步履匆匆往前行走的心态和形态。别客气,拿来使用就是了。相形之下,原来的went forward显得多么苍白无力!

译文是attempting to reach the bottom. “穷其林”就是走到林子的边上,或说尽头。我用
reach the bottom, 到达桃林的边缘。注意,其中的bottom在此不做“底部”解,而是指桃林的尽头。如《新英汉词典》第130页有at the bottom of the garden在花园的尽头。








Finally the grove ending at the source of the stream, there appeared a hill with a cave which had a tiny mouth, seemingly a wisp of light flickering there. Leaving his boat outside, the fisherman got into the cave. Extremely narrow at the beginning, the cave allowed just one person to pass through. Yet, several decades of steps further, a vast panorama suddenly stretched before him. The lands were even and open. The houses were tidy and clear. The glory spot was pockmarked with plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like. Crisscrossing, paths in the fields were accessible from all directions. Cocks and dogs could be heard. Coming and going, men and women were busily cultivating the soil. They were all dressed just in the same fashion as outsiders. Both yellow-haired old ones and hanging-haired little ones were all happy and contented.


“便得一山”,我的译法是there appeared a hill(一座山在那里出现),其实这句话的原形应该是A hill appeared there,只是为了使句子显得生动,才采取倒装式。“便舍船从口入”,我在翻译的时候先决定,他的两个动作“舍船”和“入”,以“入”为主,“弃船”为次,因此才译成Leaving his boat outside, the fisherman got into the cave。
麻烦的是“山有小口,仿佛若有光”,其中第一个“有”,我没有使用have之类的动词,而是用介词加宾语的形式表达with a cave,第二个“有”,也同样采用现在分词构成的独立分词形式,其主语是“光”(light),谓语是“闪烁”flickering。最后的译文是:Finally the grove ending at the source of the stream, there appeared a hill with a cave which had a tiny mouth, seemingly a wisp of light flickering there.

这几个句子里表面看没有任何主语,其实潜在主语不止一个,因此可能会造出不止一句话。开译之前,先要把这几个潜在的主语名词请到前台,即“初极狭,才通人”的山洞,以及“(渔夫)复行数十步”之后“豁然开朗”的景观。主语有数,才能决定造出几个句子。我的译是:Extremely narrow at the beginning, the cave allowed just one person to pass through. Yet, several decades of steps further, a vast panorama suddenly stretched before him. 其中的“a vast panorama suddenly stretched before him”,意思是“一道壮观的风景突然展现渔夫面前”。请注意,我译“豁然开朗”,参考的是《实用汉英词典》第456页的同一词条a vast panorama suddenly stretching before one,其中的panorama,还可用vista代替,都作“景观”解。不过翻译要灵活,请看同一页的例句:走出峡谷,我们感到豁然开朗。Coming out of the valley, we found the view suddenly cleared up.

“土地平旷,屋舍俨然”,直译成简单句即可,不过要注意遣词造句在句式上尽量与原文相符:The lands were even and open. The houses were tidy and clear. 这两个简单句的字数都是六个,除了houses之外,都是单音节的小词,而且在是动词were之后都是两个单音节形容词作表语。读起来轻松,颇有节奏和韵味。从这个角度看,自认为拙译与原文在形式和神韵方面都是相符的。
要多说两句的是“有良田美池桑竹之属”。这句话意思是说有“田”、“池”、“桑”、“竹”之类。哪里有呢?谁有呢?这个潜在的主语当然就是“桃花源”这个地方。因此在翻译时,不可不把这个潜在主语推向前台。我使用的是spot,地点。至于在其前面加上glory spot 这一词组,也是从《我们的国家公园》里偷来的。glory壮丽,spot地点。除此之外,从那本书里偷来的还有这句动词pockmarked with的翻译。我原来的翻译只是简单的There were plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like in this place. 然而最后的定稿却得益于《我们的国家公园》。第197页有这样的文字:Here the land is pockmarked with sinkholes, huge circular pits that were eroded into the limestone where surface water plunges underground. ( 地表水渗透到地下之后,在石灰岩层溶蚀出许多沉洞和大圆坑,而这些坑洞在这个地方是星罗棋布,密密麻麻。)
Pockmarked with多么形象生动,比there to be 的句式简直无法望其项背。于是我毫不犹豫地把原来的译文改成:The glory spot was pockmarked with plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like.
当然还有别的翻译法。比如,《我们的国家公园》第103页有如下文字:Almost immediately, pinpoints and blotches of color – the blossoms of an array of wildflowers – punctuate the landscape. ( 野花斑斓的色彩- 或星星点点,或浓墨重彩- 几乎立即将这里的景致装点得绚丽多姿。Pinpoint 指数量少,如pinpoints of light, 一点点光亮。Blotches 则指数量多,另有模糊一片之意。Array,大量。the blossoms指的是盛开的花朵,而 wildflowers则泛指野花,具体的意思就是各种野花盛开的花朵之斑斓色彩,将此地装点得艳丽多姿。) 。其中的punctuate,名词是标点符号,动词是加标点等。但从此文看,用样可以用作“装点、点缀”等意思.
此外,dot 也可作“装点、点缀”解。如《新英汉词典》第355页有Tractors dotted the fields. 田野里拖拉机星罗棋布。
因此这句话不仅可以翻译成:The glory spot was punctuated with plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like. 还可以翻译成:The glory spot was dotted with plenty of fertile farmlands, nice ponds, mulberries, bamboos and the like.

说的是田间小路,纵横交错,四通八达。纵横交错crisscrossing,四通八达,to be accessible from all directions.
鸡犬相闻,Cocks and dogs could be heard. 注意,其中的“鸡”没有采用chicken一词。请参看《实用汉英词典》中如下的两个词条:.鸡犬不留,even cocks and dogs are not spared – total extermination. Spare, 饶恕。Extermination,杀掉。动词exterminate. 鸡犬不宁:even cocks and dogs are not left in peace – utter commotion/ great tumult,其中commotion 混乱,骚乱,动乱。 Tumult 喧哗,吵闹,骚乱。
注意具体情况具体翻译。如:他们吵得鸡犬不宁。Their quarrel caused (or made) quite a commotion.

6. 其中往来种作,男女衣著,悉如外人。
这句话如果不在此文,完全可以简练地翻译成Coming and going, men and women were busily cultivating the soil,all dressed just in the same fashion as outsiders. 但是考虑原文的短句风格,我没有采取浓缩性的短句,只是将原文三句译成两句。Coming and going, men and women were busily cultivating the soil. They were all dressed just in the same fashion as outsiders. 这样读起来似乎比较比较好。种作,cultivating the soil;衣著悉如外人,意思是装束的款式与外人相同,因此译作dressed just in the same fashion as outsiders. 注意,outsider,外人,局外人,此外,还作含贬义的“门外汉”及“外行”等解。

7. 黄发垂髫,并怡然自乐。
Both yellow-haired old ones and hanging-haired little ones were all happy and contented. 黄发垂髫,yellow-haired old ones and hanging-haired little ones,这样翻译从构词形式看比较工整。怡然,快活的意思,译成happy,自乐,指感到满意自足,故而译作contented. 注意,“并”指的是“都”,不是“并且”的意思,故而译作“all”。


见渔人,乃大惊,问所从来。具答之。便要还家,设酒杀鸡作食。村中闻有此人,咸来问讯。自云先世避秦时乱,率妻子邑人来此绝境,不复出焉,遂与外人间隔。问今是何世,乃不知有汉,无论魏晋。此人一一为具言所闻,皆叹惋。余人各复延至其家,皆出酒食。停数日,辞去。此中人语云: “不足为外人道也。”






Astonishing when seeing the fisherman, a native asked where he came from. He readily answered all his questions. The native invited him to his homes, then busily preparing wines, killing hens and cooking dishes. Heard of such a person and other villagers immediately came and asked questions enthusiastically. They said that their ancestors came to this secluded spot together with their families and fellow villagers to escape the great disorder in Qin Dynasty. From then on, they had never been out again and therefore secluded themselves from the world. Asking what dynasty it was, they should know nothing about Han Dynasty, let alone Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. The fisherman told what he knew to them who could not help having all sorts of feelings welling up in their minds. They also invited him to their home and served him with wines and foods. Staying here several days, he left. Someone said: “Here is not worthy mentioning to outsiders.”


这一串短句没有一个主语。在翻译时必须加上。这里的潜在主语和宾语分别是引号中的人:“桃花源一居民”见渔人,乃大惊,问“渔人”所从来。“渔人”具答之。“桃花源一居民”便要“渔人”还家,设酒杀鸡作食。理清人物之后,翻译起来才顺当。 我首先是根据原文的断句,将句号前的三个短句作为一个单元,也就是一个完整的句子。接着就是理出句子中人物的动作顺序及主次,这样才能决定用什么样的句式。这句中“桃花源一居民”有三个动作,一是看到渔人,二是大惊,三是问渔人从何而来。我以“问”为唯一的主动作,“见”与“大惊”为次。为主者用标准动词,为次者用现在分词。译文是:Astonishing when seeing the fisherman, a native asked where he came from.
第二单元只有一个句子:渔人回答对方所有的问题。He readily answered all his questions. 第三单元,潜在主语仍然是“桃花源一居民”,有四个动作:要(邀)、设(准备)、杀(鸡)、作“食”。我以第一个为主动作,后三个为次动作,因此将第一个动作用标准动词表达,后三者一律用现在分词,以无主语悬垂结构形式出现,为显示与主句保持联系,并非孤独悬垂,我使用连词“然后(then)”译文是:The native invited him to his homes, then busily preparing wines, killing hens and cooking dishes.

这是个简单句,译起来也不难。我的译文是:Heard of such a person and other villagers immediately came and asked questions enthusiastically.这里要说的一点就是句式结构。这两个短句中的主语是“村中(人)”,其动作有三个,一是“闻”,二是“来”,三是“问讯”。译文中以后两个动作为主,照例采用标准的动词形式,而第一个动作是次要的,本应以现在分词形式hearing 出现,但我这次一反常态,采用了标准的动词形式Heard,提到句首,看似悬垂,却是省略了主语的主谓结构句式,或者说是将主语移后的一种特殊句式,无论如何,用了就是了,反正这样做的结果是句式灵活,颇具新鲜感。我采取这一句式的依据是《我们的国家公园》第196页:Ride a boat on the Echo River in the lowermost depths of Mammoth Cave and you will begin to understand the origins of this subterranean wonderland. (你乘坐小舟漫游在蒙马洞最低层的深处,就会对这个地下奇妙世界的起源开始有所理解。)

这里的“乱”就是社会的动乱,turbulence, turmoil, ferment, disorder. 他们争到哪里,哪里就出现动乱。Wherever they contend, turbulence occurs. 不过“天下大乱”是great disorder under heaven (or cross the land). 根据这个词的翻译,我把“秦时乱”译成the great disorder in Qin Dynasty. 而“天下大治”,则是great order under heaven (or cross the land). “避乱”,escape disorder. 邑,县。邑人,同一个县里的人。翻译时不必拘泥于具体的“县里人”,译成“同乡”即可。同乡,person from the same village (or town, or province, or county),其实简而言之,就是fellow villager (or townman), 我选择了fellow villager。“与外人间隔”,简而言之,就是“与世隔绝”seclude from the world.

译文是:Asking what dynasty it was, they should know nothing about Han Dynasty, let alone Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. 其中的should,不是“应该”,而是“竟然”,可以比较好地表达出加强语气。而let alone, 是“更别提了”。

叹惋,哀叹惋惜,这是一种心潮澎湃的心绪,我译成having all sorts of feelings welling up in their minds,并没有字对字地死译成sigh(叹息)和feel sorry(感到遗憾惋惜)。

停数日,辞去。以“辞去”,即“告辞而去”为主动作,“停数日”而次要动作,因此翻译时把“停数日”用现在分词表示Staying here several days, 不过更确切地讲,应该是Having stayed for several days, 只有为求简练,才选用一般的现在分词,没有用完成式的现在分词。

7.此中人语云: “不足为外人道也。”
不足为外人道,即不足以对外人说。“不足以”,从字面看似乎应该翻译成not enough,其实它的意思是“不值得”,因此翻译成Here is not worthy mentioning to outsiders. 其中的Here是名词,即this place“这个地方”。








Going out of the cave, he found his boat and made signs along the way back. Arriving in the county, he went to the magistrate and told him the whole story. The county magistrate dispatched some people to follow him and look for the place where he made signs. Yet, getting lost, they could not find the way again.


在这段中,渔人有四个动作:出、得、扶、志。在翻译时我如数用了四个动词,不过“扶”在译成英文时采用的是虚词along, 但与此同时却添加了动作“归”,因此动作依然是四个。结果就变成:出step out、得get、 归go back、志make signs,在这四个动作中,以“得”与“归”为主动作,因此采用标准动词形式,而“出”与“志”为附属动作,故而采取现在分词形式,分别置于句首与句尾。译文是:Stepping out of the cave, he got his boat and went back along his old route, making signs everywhere.

2.及郡下,诣太守, 说如此。
“郡”就是“县”,译成county. 太守,就是县长县太爷,因此翻译成(county )magistrate。说如此,讲述事情全部过程,一般译成the whole story即可。另请注意,诣,就是达到。到达有不同译法,可使用口语化的get, 如:We got there in time. 我们及时抵达那里。此外还可使用及物动词reach和不及物动词arrive, 而arrive之后接地点要用介词at 或 in,达到小地点用前者,达到大地点用后者。本文到达的是县,算是大地点,故而用后者:Arriving in the county。不过遇到具体情况还要具体灵活造句,因为还有不少其它表达法,请看:We landed Qingdao last week. 我们上周抵达青岛。尤其指通过水路或空路抵达。 在如:The delegation was warmly welcomed as soon as they set foot in China. 代表团一抵达中国,就受到了热烈欢迎。

The county magistrate dispatched some people to follow him and look for the place where he made signs. Yet, getting lost, they could not find the way again.








Learning this, Liu Ziji, a hermit of Nanyang, gladly planned to go. But he failed to realize his plan and soon died of an illness. From then on, there had been no one else to ask about this matter.


旧时指的是清高的读书人。清高,above politics and wordly interests. 如果做解释性说明,可以译成a scholar who is above politics and wordly interests. 但此处仅作为一个词出现在句子里,这样译不成样子。根据文献记载,刘子骥是一名隐士,因此“高尚士”此处可译成hermit, 即隐士。

问津:make inquiries, ask for. 无人问津:Nobody asks for (or about) it. 不敢问津:not dare to make inquiries. 
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