Waiting mood

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The market lost the direction because there is no apparent catalyst to push market higher, Earnings, at least the earning made the headline, is lackluster, but the implication was limited.  We expect this holding pattern will continue in the next few days until the earning picture become clearer.

There are still high hopes for the positive surprise, this is because, during the so-called confession period, there are very few pre-warnings, and this explains why the market shrug off some of bad economic news lately.

Technically, this "waiting" clear showed up on the charts, the market has been flat for the last 4,5 sessions and the volumns are distiguishly low, reflecting the big guys are sitting by the sidelines.

If there are anything negative, it is the semi-conductor again.  we have to pay closer attention to this one.  the hope has been focus on the growth stocks lately especially the safe heaven of tech.  If the semi is busted,  the tech will suffer, and then this whole "growth" story will be put into question.

anyways, I have not been able to spend too much time to follow the market due to the turmoil in my company. Having worked for the same company for such long time, I begin to understand the importance of the management.  Had our company have a visionary and agreesive leader, thing could become totally different.   They even do not know how to do the layoff, in the end, I would expect that few will let go and yet the moral of the company get totally destroyed.   Someday, I need to write some "interesting" stories of this company, it basically debunck the myth that American Management is  surprior. well, that will have to wait for another day.
