
才发现朋友已经把x-mas一起跳伞的video uploaded to youtube 了.既然这样就在这里和大家share一下吧, 虽然和时尚不沾边。真得很好玩儿,刺激得不行。我的这个朋友搞笑又可爱,希望大家会喜欢。 还有呀,我俩都是被推下去的,他一下就被推下去, 还听得到他惨叫,我呢,很想跳,可怎样也跳不下去,因为那风好大。要instructor 第三次才成功把我用力推下,我video就更加搞笑,就不在这里丢人了,哈哈!felt like superman comming to Earth, 那种感觉真的无法言喻!!

after party 的照片,能活着回来当然要好好庆祝一下,大吃大喝,外加跳舞跳到凌晨时分。celebrate life 嘛!since you already see us in the video, 就不遮遮掩掩啦!happy new year to all from me and my frd!

lovely couple met at dinner, she also skydived, and ... twice! why? she said she didn't look pretty enough in the video at the 1st jump! she is CRAZIER!!!!!!

sake bombs!!!!!

hehe, posing with da bomb! before it explodes in my stomach!!!!

