ZT..藏独组织者的电话,明天打爆他们,让他们联络不上 来源: intelinvestor

“你是条龙, 到哪都是条龙”“你是条虫, 在讲也是虫”‘学会好武艺, HUO (卖)于帝王家”兄弟要齐心, 小了, 齐家, 大了, 安邦.
打印 被阅读次数

ZT..藏独组织者的电话,明天打爆他们,让他们联络不上 来源: intelinvestor

Tibetan Association of Northern California

Yolanda O\'Bannon, Media Coordinator, 0015105014789

Tsering Gyurmey, Gen. Secretary and Media contact, 0015103906771

Ngodup Tsering, President, 0015102772174

Students for a Free Tibet

Thupten Tsering, 0012127296154

Alma, 0012127296154

Yangchen Lhamo, 0014159973212

Lhadon Tethong, Executive Director, lhadon@studentsforafreetibet.org, 001917


San Francisco Tibetan Youth Congress

Tenzin Gaphel: Media Co-ordinator, 0015106816244

Tenzing Dasang, President, 0015103879729

Youtso Tenzin, Vice President, 0017073019458

Committee of 100 for Tibet

Giovanni Vassallo, 0014152643264

Bay Area Friends of Tibet

Barbara Green, Media Contact, 0016464683374

More contacts

Deyden Tethong, former Milarepa Fund organizer for Tibetan Freedom Concerts,


Topden Tsering: Former TYC President, 0015104786640





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: voipcheap.co.uk

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: 第一个输入你的号码:这儿输入一个zd的号码

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their housing coordinators:

: Tsering Youdon: 0015106722186

: Dawa Chokey: 0015108475796

: Jamyang Nordup: 0015106126147

: Yangchen Dolkar: 0015107740853

: Nyendak Tsekyi: 0017073862325

: Tashi Dolma: 0015102926188

: reference:

: http://tanc.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=108