To daughter

Sorry, my sweetheart:

Mummy feels very sorry for the decision she has made today, she hope you can forgive mummy for being so selfish. But Mummy doesn’t have any other choice; she has to send you away for a couple of month. She knows it’ll be a very long time, she knows you probably will get stressed, be bullied by other animals, or be scared by aggressive, horrible big guys, she knows. You have to get through all these by yourself, it may be even worse than expected, but she has to send you away.

Please don’t blame mummy, she even hasn’t got a roof for herself, how can she give you a sweet home. From now on, nobody will come to wake mummy up every morning, there will be no cuddles under the quilt, nobody can be blamed when mummy do something wrong. There will be no play time, no scratch and no fight. In the cold day, there will be no one come to keep mummy warm.

My baby, please just for a couple of month, mummy promise you, once everything settled down, mummy will bring you home, we can have fun again, you can also have a big brother – Leo, and mummy daddy, we will live together, never get apart.

My love, please don’t forget you mummy, don’t forget our happy time, don’t fall for anyone else, you are the only one for mummy; just a couple of month, you can come back to mummy again.

My heart, mummy loves you more than anything.


Heartbroken Mummy
