我来说说Rabbit Lin的mentality statuses:

临仙thinks everybody in the world wants her to be their 嘎子浦, except homo men and straight women(they want her to be their sister and closet confidant), but she worries for the statuses of these poor people pissing/throwing up blood even seeing her unposted(have they been taken? If, yes, how many years ago?~~)pictures.

用IT工程师的话来说,这叫进入死循环了,press Esc or Ctrl c to stop.


关于照片的问题是这样滴: Local Access打往中国电话卡1.3¢/分种

来源: 临江仙 于 08-04-23 14:12:42 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄悄话]

回答: post ur recent photo i will share my amt :-) 由 Guy100 于 2008-04-23 14:03:08

普通照片我贴过不下十张了(大部分你都没看见只能怪你自己), 再贴就得是跟以前不一样的了, (我这人不喜欢重复).

就怕贴了震惊四座的照片你会吐血, 越发陷入你自己编织的情网不能自拔.

我可是为你负责呦, 我是多么好心的一个人呀~~

