Allergic to girls?

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Alex has a really bad allergy this season. For weeks, there is endless coughing, sneezing, watering eyes... Finally, I took him to an Allergy Specialist. During the very painful test for a six year old, the doctor announced that:" Alex, you just are allergic to girls." Alex was worried after hearing this: "So I can't be with Mommy?" Doctor replied:" You are fine with Mom, you just are allergic to the girls at your age." Alex took it very seriously :"So I am not suppose to talk to girls?" Then he started counting the girl's name at his class: "Emily, Madison, Kelly...."

On the way home, Alex still can't get over it:" Mommy, am I really allergic to girls? Did the doctor mean I can't play with girls?" I was going to hold it longer, but finally I have to say: "Honey, the doctor was teasing you!"
