China Freed Tibet! - 反藏独,支持中国、奥运的口号探索

China Freed Tibet! - 反藏独,支持中国、奥运的口号探索


以下口号用英文书写。主要是因为对象是 Westerners。俺的语文、英语高考都未及格,所以错误在所难免,权当抛砖引玉。请大家少拍砖,多鼓励。多谢了!

  • China Freed Tibet! (from slavery and theocratic feudalism)

  • Tibet - Slavery before 1952

  • Human Skin, Heads & legs: Dalai Lama Birthday Tributes

They say “Free Tibet”, we return “China Free Tibet”. It is a fact that China freed Tibet from slavery and theocracy oppression in 1952. After grabbing their attention, we can then educate those ignorant people. I would say 90% of pro-Tibet movement people dont know what they are talking about. It is a fashion for them.

  • Darfur < Iraqi

  • Iraqi First

Good in USA. I found many protesters in San Francisco were for Darfur. They were on the moral highland. What we need to do is pointing out their hypricracy and double standard in that USA killed so much more people in Iraqi. Please think of more slogans on this subject.

This can be modified similarly for each country\'s situation.

  • Olympics is No Politics

  • Cheer for Olympics, not politics

Somewhat resonant (all end with -ics). A little hard for my oral English though. Most people think politics is dirty. The two slogans appeal to that idea.

  • Higher, Stronger, faster

Traditional Olympic slogan. Try to get people to focus more on Olympic spirit.

  • 3.14 Tibet = 9.11 New York

  • Tibetan riot=Organized crime.

  • Don\'t speak for the Tibetan terrorists

  • 18 Civilian Killed by Rioters in Lhasa

  • Dalai Kills.

The above slogans emphasize the nature of 3/14 riot and link it with terrorism which all good people detest. I chatted with a white “Free Tibet” guy. He had no idea about the killings and agreed it was terrible.

  • 4.5M Tibetan are Chinese

  • >500 Years: Tibet in China

  • Tibet was in China before Columbus discoverd America

Again, we need to emphasize Tibetan are our brothers and sisters and part of China.

This is not only a slogan and a website. I like this website for its objective, reasonable information. Its domain name is much more appealing than anti-cnn so it would be more effective in persuasion. Please advertise it to the westerners.

  • Do Not Bash China.

  • Do Not Meddle With China

  • China has been improving!

The first two are our warning, a proud declaration of our power. However, we need to refrain from using such slogans too much because it surely will incur animosity. The last one emphasizes our progress to appeal to more reasonable minds.

这些口号要Relevant, Rememberable, Resonant. 俺的水平还远远未到那个地步。A good slogan can also be a symbol, picture and image. 中国的人才济济,学艺术、设计的兄弟姐妹们,用你们的绝活来报效祖国吧!

另外声明,有段Channel 5的Video显示华人用国旗遮住、驱赶两个Darfur protesters, 我反对这样做。想一想美国主流社会对这个Video的反映,这会更加强他们的偏见:Chinese do not respect the right of free speech. They attack americans on americans\' soil. It won\'t be good.
