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[中醫之理]: 通者不痛,痛者不通,如手捏自身肌肉,緊則痛,松者不痛。

[主治]: 一切劇烈疼痛。對各种腫瘤劇痛者,貼之立即止痛,不拘什么痛,只要貼上就止。(對于腸癌劇痛多無效,原因是其痛在腸,有肚皮隔离)

[主要成分]: 三七、五靈脂、吳芋、川芎、沒藥等。

[用法用量]:(1)將貼貼在疼痛處即可. 56小時後揭掉。

c a l l f o r more i n f o

A Cancer patient's daughter wrote:

Thanks for the Severe Pain Patch. Mom loves it. I think its better than those doctor provided pain pills or IV. Please help send 20 pouch of them (each has 5 piece) to the following address: Ms. L xxxx Clifford Estate, Panyu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P.R. China 511495)

Exclusively distributed by ForeStar International Inc., Sugar Land, Texas 77479 USA
5206 Meadow Landing Ln, Sugar Land, TX 77479, USA
Tel: 832-858-8666

Price: US$ 10 / Per pack ( 5 patches)
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