恨君恰似江楼月 by 苏茉儿

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独自凭栏,不胜寒                 Leaning against the fence alone, in unbearable coldness

我抱紧月光取暖……             I hold the moonlight tightly for warmness

一缕一缕梳平                         My longing of you

我对你的思念                         Combed out thread after thread

捏成一串紫色的风铃             Kneaded in a strand of purple wind bells

垂挂在,我寂寞的窗檐         Hanging on the lonely pane of my window

夜夜迎着风的舞步                 Dances every night

盈盈而舞                                 In wind's steps and in full speed

一纸一纸铺开                         page after page I roll out paper

我写给你的浅词小令             Write little verses in simple words

绣上一朵洁白的茉莉花         Embroider a jasmine flower

                                                 Pure and white

轻轻系在,紫色的风铃         And tie them to the purple wind bells lightly

夜夜踩着风的韵律                 That rustle songs

簌簌而歌                                 In wind's rhythm nightly

你会听到、看到吗?!         Can you see the dance and can you hear the songs?!

辗转徘徊间,一行行凌乱的脚印  While I hover, my footprints, unordered, line by line

踩疼了月影婆娑的薄影         Leave pain on the light shadow of the dancing moonlight

“恨君恰似江楼月                    "Why, why are you like the Jianglou moon

暂满还亏                                 Full, half, and gone

暂满还亏                                 Gone, half, and full

待得团圆是几时?”                 When can we be united again?"

蜷缩进月儿的怀里                 Curling up in the moon's arms

轻声的问                                 I ask gently,

问?                                        And ask?

千里共婵娟的距离                Is the 1000 mile distance far

有多远?!                            In 'looking at Chan Juan (the moon) together

                                                With 1000 miles apart'?!

中国傲吧 (http://www.zgob.com) 学译

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