我读过作家Lyall Watson的Dark Nature, 知他毕业于生物系,写了一系列有关进化和人性的著作,他的家就是一只在海上漂流的船,这船在佛罗里达的沿岸和亚马逊河流域的海湾航行。他倾听着大海的呼喊,感受着大自然的伟大,思索着人性的真谛,洞察着未来的契机。也只有这样幽静的生活和大自然的启迪,他才能参悟出许多深邃的观念,写出发人深省的畅销书。如是乎我亦有了同样的梦想,几时啊,几时弄舟秋月下,宁静而致远。
Lyall Watson 在他有关人性本质之负面的新作‘Dark Nature’的序中写道:
I live on a boat, on an ocean-going trawler, and find that I think best when I can do so alone, offshore.
I am an old-fashioned field naturalist, a beachcomber at heart, with a passion for bones and stones and seachells, prone to letting delight in such detail saturate my whole attention. I become easily enrapt and, in that happy state, loss sight of the larger environment. It ceases to environ me. It becomes an extension of me. And I cannot smell myself.
So every once in a while, I have to fall back and look for blue water, floating out to where the horizon is flat and I can find some degree of alienation. Just enough to get a glimpse again of the whole ecology, of the form and process of things.
The best position is that of the offshore islander, of men like Yeats and Joyce and Shaw, who could see the outline of the distant mainland and yet still enjoy sufficient detachment to permit pattern recognition.