Y : 不会这么简单吧。你们这些欧洲后裔,难道对北美的原住民,表现得比我们汉人对藏人还好?我可一点都不觉得。我们这些非欧洲裔的移民,时时觉得你们对我们亚洲人才表现了极端的“大欧洲文化沙文主义”。明摆着,这次西藏的问题显然是外来的挑拨因素居多,你们反而不揭露。天天讲中国八竿子打不着边的事,什么都管,管得从不手软。好像不听你们的,不按你们的来,你们就恨不得把我们掐死。
Y :其实哈博讲话口吻的改变我们都意识到了。第一个星期,你们那个对中国从来赶不上拍的无知哈珀,竟然跳出来说中国侵犯西藏人权,明明是一小撮被鼓动的藏人欺负汉人,作为总理不是先谴责“暴行”,而是不分青红皂白指责人家的政策,这让大多数华人站到了你们的对立面。这也让我们理解成你们的哈博极不理智、不公正,不客观,太藏独观点。你说,他怎么让我们这些人去信服他的话。他后来在罗马尼亚,说他要抵制“奥运”,你不觉得他这样更离谱了吗,你不参加奥运开幕式,那是你加国奥委会的事---邀谁不邀谁,由自己国家的奥委会自个决定,来不来也是你对你的奥委会说,不是对主办国说,这本来就跟中国没关系。何况,你知道,中国对他哈博的一贯表现从来就不感冒。退一步说,要是由主办国中国邀请的话,我想一定不会有人邀他哈博,相信你也同意这观点。这几天,哈伯的口吻变了,说他本来就没打算去参加奥运开幕式。这说明他意识到了自已观念的偏差,想给自己一个台阶。其实,你们西方人可能不知道,哈伯在中国问题上讲什么,我们这些人根本就没兴趣,因为他向来就偏激片面,让人觉得他无知极端没礼貌,他对中加的事有害无益,没人把他当回事,你没想到吧?
Y :我们对哈伯的反感,不是说他不能讲话,他什么都能讲。但讲话要讲到点子上,讲的话是基于事实而不是偏见。他哈勃讲话的态度让人觉得无理偏激,他讲话不按实事,指鹿为马。你们不也反感布什吗 ? 为什么,就那一样的感觉。就是觉得他布什和哈勃不客观。他们为了一个偏见的目的,不仅自大,而且不择手段。你说谁会相信他们讲的话?你哈博对达赖毕恭毕敬,没问题。但你对中国十多亿人的不肖一顾,胡言乱语,是不是有点搞不清状况?你说他理智吗?他真够一个国家总理的料?你还记得那个前任外长,那根本就是个外交白痴,不懂礼节,不计场合和方式,简直是没有进化的野人,你说谁会跟这种没有修养没有文化的人交往?让他跟我们五千年前的先人去见面好了。
Y : 你们过去50年的反共冷战宣传,原来也不比共产党差呀。看来你们脑洗的比我们的还地道。你来看看这个,()你看这是1944年美军制作的纪录片,明显讲中国包括新疆、内蒙和西藏;你再来看看国民党(Nationalist)的地图,比共产党的地图还大,也是包括西藏,你说怎么就是共党在1950年才把西藏吞并的?你们不喜欢共产党,也不该拿中国全民族的事开练吧?也该多少尊重一下中国十亿老百姓的智力吧?一个世界上三千年、四千年的文化延续从来没断过,古希腊古埃及都没做到,只有印度和中国做到了。难道这种能包容能延续几千年的文化也要挑剔,也不必尊重,随你们想说什么就是什么?就像对一个80岁大学教授,你一个小伙子不分青红皂白就乱说乱动?
I think you could adjust your tone to him a littlbe bit too -- after all, I think you would agree: the majority of the Hans do not treat Tibetans equally. I have yet to see Hans speaking out for Tibetan rights -- the Hans only want to speak for their own rights.
杨子 发表评论于
Tibet was the part of China:
1). 1244, Genghis Khan took control of Tibet, China, and almost all of central Asia, which was known as the Yuan Dynasty.
2). 1751, Emperor Qianlong established the Dalai Lama as both the spiritual leader and political leader of Tibet, just as Central government send the governor to the territory. Emperor Qianlong used Buddhism to bolster their Tibetans. On that time,The Nepalese tried to invade Tibet a number of times without success.
3). The Emperor Qianlong was Chinese king for Man, Han, Monglia, Tibet, Xinjiang Musilin etc.
4). 1770, Qing dynasty released more power to the governor of Tibet: from that time the Dalai Lama was recognized as sovereign of Tibet.---- this was the start of religious-political rule integrated. From that time poor Tibet become more poor.
5). In 1904, the British sent an Indian military force under Lieutenant Colonel Francis Younghusband, which, after some fighting, occupied Lhasa. In response, the Chinese foreign ministry asserted that China was sovereign over Tibet, the very clear statement of a claim.
6). In 1905, Qing China resent leaders to Tibet,and the Qing Chinese military leader appointed Qing/Man Chinese leader in tibet, and introduced new laws that limited the number of lamas and limited monasteries of their temporal power and reschemed for having the land cultivated by lower level tibet people and new Qing/Man Chinese immigrants, lots of poor peasants came from Sichuan.
7).With the fall of the Qing dynasty in 1911, In early 1913, the Dalai Lama, who supported by British, returned to Lhasa and claimed stating Tibets independence, and stated that, "We are a small, religious, and independent nation." The slavery system is fully setted up.
Tibet established a Foreign Office in 1942, and in 1946 it sent congratulatory missions to China and India (related to the end of World War II). The mission to China was given a letter addressed to Chinese President Chiang Kai-sek which states that, "We shall continue to maintain the independence of Tibet as a nation ruled by the successive Dalai Lamas through an authentic religious-political rule."
Excempted British and its relates, no more countries ( included USA) recongnized their claim.
8).In 1950, the People's Liberation Army entered the Tibetan area of Chamdo, then Lhasa, and then full tibet slavery system be brokent by new government.
9). With the supportting of the CIA the Tibetan Monks try to go back to their Slavery ystem, 1959, Lhasa Riot happent, Dalai and his follows killed lots poor Tibet people and Han people. And then they escaped to India with CIA's help.
About the Tibetan flag:
The Jokul Lion flag was the oriflamme in Qing Dynasty. In the middle of 18th century Xizang was beset by unrest and foreign force infiltration. Under the demand of local leader in Tibet, the Qing Dynasty dispatched army to Tibet, repeled the foreign force and drafted the well-known 29 regulations, “Regius regulations for aftermath Tibet”-钦定藏内善后章程. And in the fourth regulation, it drew that “The Tibet never has a regular army, the temporarily conscribed army lacks of battle effectiveness and. The conion disturbs people and be harmful to common good. Therefore, under the permission of our emperor, we required for the establishment of a regular army with 3000 soldiers which distributes each 1000 in frond and behind Tibet, 500 in JiangZi(江孜), 500 in DingRi(定日)”. This 3000 army was called by later people as Zang Army, and the Jokul Lion flag was their oriflamme which was customized by Qing government.
On the flag, the six golden Fringes represent six different races lived in Tibet, and the Loin in central is a typical symbol icon of central government in Beijing.