Session 5
Our Daily Choice
Romans 8:9: You , however, are controlled not by the flesh but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you.
罗马书 8 章 9 节 : 然而,如果神的灵住在你们心里, 你们就不属肉体,乃属圣灵了。
To understand that, although we still have urges that tends to pull us away from relying completely on God and following the promptings of His Spirit, we no longer have to give in to them but are free to choose.
要明白, 尽管我们的欲望仍然倾向于使我们远离完全依赖神,遵行神的灵的呼招这一境界,我们不再必须服从这欲望, 却是有自由选择权的人。
Focus Truth
Although you are a new person in Christ with a completely new nature, and are free to live according to what the Holy Spirit tells you, obeying Him is not automatic.
What would you likely to do if you knew you could not fail?
Read together the My Father God statements from Session 2, then spending time worshipping God for who he is.
一起阅读第二课 “我的父神”清单的内容, 然后花时间崇拜这样的那位神。
What Did Happen When We Became Christians
当我们成为基督徒时, 发生了什么
We have a new heart and a new Spirit within us.
We have new life “ in Christ”.
We have a new master.
What did not Happen
Our body did not change
Our “flesh” was not taken away
Sin did not die
The law of sin still effective. How can you overcome a law that is still effective? By a greater law: “ Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2).
罪的律仍然在起作用。 你如何能战胜一个仍然在起作用的罪的定律。 通过一个更高的律。“赐生命之灵的律通过耶稣基督释放了我,使我脱离罪和死的律”( 罗马书 8 章 2 节)
Our Choices
Even though we no longer have to think and react according to our flesh, we can choose to do so.
Even though sin has no power over us, we can choose to give in to it.
Nothing can change the fact of who we are, and God’s love for us, but the outcome of that in our day-to-day lives is down to our individual choice – are we going to choose to believe what God says is true and act on it? Or not?
尽管我们不再必须按照我们肉身的情况去思想和行动, 我们还有可能如此选择。
没有什么可以改变我们的身份和神对我们的爱,但我们日常生活中的结果仍然要由我们个人去选择 --- 我们要选择相信神的话为真照此遵行吗 ? 还是相反 ?
Three Different Types of Person (1Corinthians 2:14 -3:3)
The Natural Person
“The man without the Spirit” -1 Corinthians 2:14 &Ephesians 2:1-3)
“没有圣灵的人” --- ( 哥林多前书 2 章 14 节,以弗所书 2 章 1 至 3 节 )
This describes someone who is not yet a Christian:
Physically alive but spiritually dead
Separated from God
Living independently from God
Lives in the flesh; actions and choices dictated by the flesh(see Galatians 5:19 -21)
Has not spiritual basis for coping with life’s stresses
以肉身生活,行为和选择受肉身控制 ( 见加拉太书 5 章 19 至 21 节 )
The Spiritual Person- (1 Corinthians 2:15 )
有圣灵的人 ----( 哥林多前书 2 章 15 节 )
The normal state for a Christian:
has been transformed though faith in Christ
spirit is now united with God’s Spirit
Has received:
-acceptance in God’s family
-realization of worth in Christ
Receive impetus from God’s Spirit instead of the flesh
is renewing the mind (ie , getting rid of the old patterns of thinking and replacing them with truth)
emotions marked by joy and peace instead of turmoil
chooses to walk in the Spirit and therefore
demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit.(Galatians 5:22 ,23)
still has a flesh but crucifies it daily as he recognizes the truth that he is now dead to sin (Romans 6:11 -14)
“His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and godliness”(2 Peter 1:3).
-- 原谅
-- 神的家庭的接纳
-- 在基督里实现价值
从神的圣灵, 而不是肉身获取动力
处在思想更新的过程中 ( 即:摆脱旧的思维方式,用真理取而代之 )
选择行在圣灵中, 因而
显现出圣灵的果实 ( 加拉太书 5 章 22 , 23 节 )
仍然有肉身存在但每日被钉十架,因为他认识到自己现在是向罪已死的真理 ( 罗马书 6 章 11 至 14 节 )
“他的神能已将一切关乎生命和敬虔的事赐给我们,通过认识那用荣耀和美德召我们的主” ( 彼得后书 1 章 3 节 ).
The Fleshly Person --(1 Corinthians 3:3)
肉身的人 — 哥林多前书 3 章 3 节
A Christian who has been made spiritually alive but, instead of choosing to follow the impulses of the Spirit, follows the impulses of the flesh.
His daily life tends to mimic that of the natural (non-Christian) person rather than the spiritual person.
Mind occupied by wrong thoughts
Emotions plagued by negative feelings
Body showing signs of stress
Feeling of inferiority, insecurity, inadequacy, guilty, worry and doubt
他的日常生活趋向于模仿自然人 ( 非基督徒 ) 的生活, 而不是有灵魂的人的生活
Pause for thought 1
思考问题 1
Does it supprise you that a Christian can live very much like a non-Christian?
Why do you think many Christians are plagued by insecurity, inferiority, inadequacy, guilty, worry and doubt?
Is it really possible for every Christian to rise above the law of sin and overcome the flesh?
基督徒可能活得非常像非基督徒,你对此感到吃惊么 ?
你认为为何很多基督徒感染了不安全, 不如人, 无能为力, 内疚, 焦急和怀疑 ?
Barriers to Growth
Collossians 2:6-8: “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.”
Common areas of deception:
“ this might work for others, but my case is different and it won’t work for me”
“I could never have faith like so and so”
“God could never use me”
Unresolved personal and spiritual conflicts
Many have come to faith but have not repented.
The steps to Freedom in Christ are a tool you can use to examine your life and ask the Holy Spirit to show you areas where you have not repented and closed the door to the enemy’s influence.
歌罗西书 2 张 6 至 8 节:“因此,你们既然接受了主耶稣基督, 就当遵他而行, 在他里面生根建造, 信心坚固, 正如你们所领的教训,又充满感谢之心。”
“这可能对别人管用, 对我却不行因为我的情况不同”
基督里的自由 提供的步骤给你可用的工具来省查你的生活, 并求圣灵向你启示那些尚未忏悔的方面,以及关上外敌影响的大门。
Pause For Thought 2
Do you sense that you are growing as a Christian as quickly as you could be?
What barriers do you suspect there might be in your own life? (You might like to spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to show you.)
你是否感受到你作一个基督徒, 成长的速度快得不能再快了 ?
你估计你的生活中可能有哪些障碍? ( 你可能想花些时间求问圣灵指给你看 )
Choosing to Walk By The Spirit Every Day
Once we have committed ourselves to believe truth no matter what we feel, and we have dealt with our unresolved spiritual conflicts, we are genuinely free to make a choice every day. We can choose to obey either the promptings of the flesh or the promptings of the Holy Spirit. The two are in direct opposition to each other.
一旦我们承诺相信真理, 无论我们的感觉如何,我们也已经处理了我们悬而未决的灵魂冲突,我们就真的可以自由地做出我们每天的选择了。 我们可以选择或者每天顺服于肉身的催促, 或者顺服于圣灵的催促。 这两者是完全相反的。
Walking By the Spirit Is not:
Just a good feeling
A license to do whatever we want
“The flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other.”(Galatians 5:17)
“If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law” (Galatians 5:18 )
“肉身的欲求与圣灵相争, 圣灵和肉身的欲求相反,二者彼此为敌” ( 加拉太书 5 章 17 节 )
“你们若被圣灵引导, 就不在律法以下” ( 加拉太书 5 章 18 节 )
Walking By the Spirit Is:
True freedom
“Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”( 2 Corintians 3:17)
Being led
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” (John 10:27)
Walking at God’s pace
“Come to me, all you are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find east for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Mathew 11:28-30)
“主的灵在哪里, 哪里就有自由” ( 哥林多后书 3 章 17 节 )
“我的羊听我的声音, 我也认识他们, 他们也跟着我” ( 约翰福音 10 章 27 节 )
“凡劳苦担重担的人, 可以到我这里来, 我就使你们得安息。 我心里柔和谦卑, 你们当负我的轭, 学我的私式样,这样, 你们心里就必得享安息。 因为我的轭是容易的, 我的担子是轻省的。” ( 马太福音 11 章 28 至 30 节 )
How Can We Tell If We are Walking By The Spirit?
我们如何知道是否在与圣灵同行 ?
Just as you can tell a tree by its fruit, you can tell whether you are walking by the Spirit by the fruit of your life (See Galatians 5:19 -23).
正如你可以以果实来分辨一颗树一样,你可以用你生命中所结的果实来判断你是否在与圣灵同行。 ( 见加拉太书 5 章 19 至 23 节 )
How would you explain to a non-Christian the benefits of being filled with the Spirit in a way that would make sense to them?
Questions for Groups
1. Does it supprise you to see that a Christian can live very much like a non-Christian?
2. Why do you think many Christians are plagued by insecurity, inferiority, inadequacy, guilt, worry and doubt?
3. Why do you think so many Christians live so far below their potential in Christ?
4. Is it really possible for every Christian to rise above the law of sin and defeat the flesh?
5. Do you sense that you are growing as a Christian as quickly as you could be?
6. What barriers do you suspect there might be in your own life? You might like to spend some time asking the Holy Spirit to show you.
7. How can you tell if you are filled with the Spirit?
1. 基督徒活得很像一个非基督徒,这是否让你惊讶?
2. 你认为你为何很多基督徒感染了不安全, 不如人, 无能为力, 内疚, 焦急和怀疑?
3. 你认为你为何基督徒生活在远低于他们在基督里所获潜力的水平之下?
4. 每个基督徒是不是真能胜过罪的律,克服肉体软弱?
5. 你觉得自己在基督里的成长速度是否已经不能再快了?
6. 你认为你的生活中可能有哪些障碍?你活或许需要花些时间请圣灵来启示你。
7. 你如何能分辨自己是否被圣灵充满?
To take away
Suggestions For Your Quiet Times This Week:
Everyday, specifically commit yourself to walk by the Spirit and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you.
每一天, 都承诺与圣灵同行, 并请求圣灵充满你。
Big Questions (to consider before the next session):
思考问题(下一课之前思考 ) :
Read Romans 6:1-7. This passage says that we have “died to sin” and should “no longer be slaves to sin”. Have you experienced being caught in a pattern of behavior that you knew was wrong but from which you seemed unable to escape? Or have you found yourself apparently unable to do something good you knew was right?
阅读罗马书 6 章 1 至 7 节。 这个段落说到, 我们已经“向罪死”并且应该“不再是罪的奴隶”。 你有没有经历过陷入某种你明知错误的行为方式,但似乎无法逃脱 ? 或者,你是否发现你似乎不能做你知道正确的事情 ?