1. 先求 Earthquake bease shear(怎么翻译?), the total horizontal earthquake base shear force V in a given direction shall be determined from V = I (CS/Rf)^Gg within the limits: V>=0.01Gg 而 I,C, S Rf 多个参数都是来自相关部门统计数来的标准(就是查表的意思),只有Gg是和其建筑实际的规格、材料有关。
2. 求 G for G-beam, G-column, G-slab, G-wall, Gg = G + fiQ, HKH所说的“柱子的钢筋暴露在外,明显是缺筋”其beam的含量只占了所有计算中很小的一部分。
2b. Structure period is related to rigorous strural analysis, where T = hn/46, where hn = totall height of the structure -> 和建筑的高度有关
3.求vertical distribution of horizontal earthquake forces Fx=CvxV, Cvx=Ggx*hx6^k/sum(Ggi*Hi^k), h值和每层受力还有所有层受力有关。
4.求torsional effect. eccentricities 和几何构造有关 -> where b = maximum dimension of the structure at level x, meashured perpendicular to the horizontal earthquake shear force direction at the level under consideration.