索引:1) iGo 2006+, 2) iGo 8 (Latest)
上个月刚刚推出的 iGo 8.
我们先看看 iGo MyWay 2006 Plus.
iGO_My_way_2006_Plus.rar (6/18/07)
Manual (June 2007 v2.00)
文件解压之后,把 iGo 拷到 Storage Card 上,其内的 application.dat 更名为 iGo.exe,即可了。
2577 子目录是自动安装时才用的,无用。
地图是 2007.10_071218 的
除了 Maps 外,POI、SpeedCam、Voice 都是要时常留意去 update 的。
Place "speedcam.txt" at Storage CardiGOPOIspeedcamspeedcam.txt
The first time restart will be longer as to build speedcam.spdb. Settings -> General -> Alerts -> Enable Safety Cameras (need scroll down). Existing *.spdb maybe erased.
(Same for MioMap, 有人说是 Storage CardMioMapmiotcpoisSpeedCams.mtc,不必。)
(For iGo8, Storage CardiGO8CONTENTSPEEDCAM)
iGo, onCOurse, MioMap 程序共享地图
HKLM -> SOFTWARE -> iGO 2006 (or MioMap), add a string "MapDir", modify its value Storage CardMioMapmaps (My flash diskmiomapmiomapmaps).
值得一提的是目前沸沸洋洋的 iGo 8.
PPC-6800 虽然能运行 iGo8,但时而有 Memory 不足之感,尤其是加上 TTS 之后。在 Mio c310x 上用起来却是非常的顺手。
这是最全的 iGo8 (Nav N Go iGo 8,, Mar 13 2008),带 30 languages,86 voices,3 games,原装 data.zip (14,340,838 bytes),近 200mb.
RS | MU |
part1.rar part2.rar |
part1 part2 |
无中文,不带 TTS. |
由于 iGo8 刚刚推出,很多的 links 都很及时地被关掉了。如果上面的不行,可以自己 Google 一下,“rapidshare.com/files” iGo 8.
注意:有不少是年初的 demo 版。运行 iGo8.exe 在 splash 之后就自动退出,没有任何的信息显示。
看一眼 iGo8licenseWorldWide_v142_Demo_2008_02_01.lic,或 iGo8application.dat (or iGo.exe) 的日期在三月份之前,就都不行,试都甭试之。
PNA/PDA Version
iGO8_Lite_35389_2.rar (Mirror) (, Apr 15 2008) (M4.rar - Only exe and lic)
june26patch.rar ( Jun 26 2008 - Only exe and lic)
Manual (March 2008, v1.4 - UK)
Manual (April 2008, ver. 1.1 - US)
Content Manager software manual (May, 2008, ver. 1.3)
打包下载 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
分州补遗 NavNGo iGO8 USA maps (Basemap8_2007.07_080117.fbl, USA_Waters.fbl)
USA8_dem.part1.rar (pw: www.gpsunderground.com/fox2plus)
USA POI (part1.rar, part2.rar, part3.rar, part4.rar - PW: www.peb.pl)
Europe Maps and DEMographic + Buildings - In case someone is interested
Text To Speech
Loquendo TTS High Quality Voices for iGo8 and MioMap 2008
Susan 6.9.1 High Quality (US English-Female)
Dave 6.9 Lower Quality (US English-Male)
Kate 6.9.1 High Quality (UK English-Female)
Simon 6.9.1 High Quality (UK English-Male)
Above files are placed in iGO8tts_loq
And you will need to download two more files, after being edited, to be placed as
任何文本编辑器都行,把 EnglishUs6.9.lex 中的
"Dr" = "Doctor" 改成 "Dr" = "Drive" (有两个)
这样,GPS 就会说 "South Orange" 而不是 "S Orange" 了。
SpeedCam (Jan 2008)
speedcam.txt iGO8contentspeedcam
SpeedCams.mtc miomapmiotcpois
The first time start after updating SpeedCam may take longer for "Initializing Warning Data", to convert to speedcam.spdb.
SpeedCam database - 8/14/08
Data.zip for 480x272, 320x240, 400x240 (Mar. 22, 2008)
igo8.riks.v2.8_480x272.zip (8/26/08)
文件结构较之 iGo 2006 plus 有小的变动
Storage CardiGo8 - application.dat 改名为 iGo.exe 无需 2577 来安装 Storage CardiGo8content Storage CardiGo8contentbuilding Storage CardiGo8contentdem Storage CardiGo8contentlang Storage CardiGo8contentmap Storage CardiGo8contentpoi Storage CardiGo8contentscheme Storage CardiGo8contentskin Storage CardiGo8contentspeedcam Storage CardiGo8contenttexture Storage CardiGo8contentvoice Storage CardiGo8license Storage CardiGo8tts_loq
SYS.txt Tweak
ding=0 ; 0 = no "ding", 1 = single, 2 = double "ding" b4 voice guidance
[timezone] ; so your local time zone will not be set to London
skip_eula=1 ; you don't need to read entire T&C
enable_roadshadow=1 ; nice view when your road goes under a bridge
If you have already downloaded iGo8 elsewhere, and you have problem in running it. Please check iGo8licenseWorldWide_v142_Demo_2008_02_01.lic. When you see it, that's a preview version and no good since Feb. The application will simply quit after splash. You may try to fool it by change your device time, which will be good until GPS updates the time.
Now, you have iGo 8 on your device. Go show off.
Here is a video.
iGO 8 v8.3.4.142975 - May 11, 2010
Link (PASS: srmobilepassion)
iGO8 R3 MAP TeleAtlas North America 2010 Q2
Link (1.7 Gb)
or More maps
附 录
[1] iGO/MioMap Maps
[2] iGo8 - maps
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