VW 将推出70 mpg Diesel-Electric Hybrid Golf
1. Measure a quantity of oil into a suitable container and heat to 120F.
2. In separate container mix Methanol (15% by weight or 17.2% by volume in relation to the quantity of oil you are processing) with lye (calculating the amount using the method outlined above). The lye must be added slowly as it will become extremely hot. The resulting mixture is Sodium Methoxide.
3. Add the mixture to the heated oil mix vigorously for about an hour. You may want to set up some kind of mechanical aid to do this, perhaps using cycle power.
4. Monitor the rate of separation by taking samples at ten minute intervals.
5. Stop mixing when it appears that the separation has stopped. Leave the mixture to cool and settle over night or for at least 8 hours.
6. The free fatty acids (glycerin), will sink to the bottom forming a cloudy layer. On top will be your biodiesel (methyl esters), but before using it, any remaining soaps or salts should be removed (or they may cause engine damage).
7. Syphon the methyl ester into a separate clean container and add water. Gently stir the mixture then leave it to settle again. When the water has separated from the methyl esters, drain or syphon the water out from the bottom of the container.
8. Repeat the process until the rinse water you are removing reaches a pH level of 6 to 7 and contains no soap bubbles. If white substances form at the bottom. or any bubbles form at the surface the liquid should be re-washed.
9. If the liquid appears cloudy, then water is being retained. It should be reheated gently in order to make the water evaporate
别忘了谢谢额。也别忘了亲一下鸡店老板哦 :-)