Giovanni - Together 12 首鋼琴曲

大肚能容,容人間恩怨親仇, 个中藏有几許;開口便笑, 笑世上悲歡離合,此處己無 些煩。 --笑佛。
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  Giovanni - Together
1. 01 - To My Bea .mp3 2. 02 - For You Matthew .mp3 3. 03 - Gypsy Eyes .mp3 4. 04 - Stubborn Heart .mp3 5. 05 - Fuga in B-flat Minor .mp3 6. 06 - Arabesque .mp3 7. 07 - Island of Samoa .mp3 8. 08 - Anna Maria .mp3 9. 09 - Garden of Dreams .mp3 10. 10 - Nathalie .mp3 11. 11 - Together .mp3 12. 12 - Rain and Tears .mp3


ty 5/29/2008


