Songs My Mother Taught Me母亲教我的歌 - Anton Dvorak

大肚能容,容人間恩怨親仇, 个中藏有几許;開口便笑, 笑世上悲歡離合,此處己無 些煩。 --笑佛。
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Songs my mother taught me
In the days long vanish'd
Seldom from her eyelids
Were the teardrops banish'd

Now I teach my children
Each melodious measure
oft the tears are flowing
oft they flow from my mem'ry treasure

当我幼年的时候,母亲教我歌唱,在她慈爱的眼里, 隐約闪着淚光。如今我教我的孩子们唱这首难忘的歌曲,我的辛酸的眼泪,点点流在我飽经風霜的脸上