Born Free

Born Free Sterilizer

Dr. Brown's

Dr. Brown's Four Bottle Microwave Steam Sterilizer

Note: The bottles included with set are not BPA-free

Munchkin Steam Guard Microwave Sterilizer


Luv 'N Care Microwave Sterilizer

The First Years

Safe & Certain Microwave Sterilizer with Soothie Bottles

Note: The sterlizer is BPA-free, the Soothie bottles are not
Microwave Sterilizers which contain BPA

Avent Express Microwave Steam Sterilizer

The First Years

The First Years All Purpose Steam Sterilizer

Especially for Baby Microwave Steam Sterilizer

Baby R Us claims that all the bottles from their own brand "Especially for Baby" are BPA Free, but I could not find any information regards the Steam Sterilizer.