Every scream went bleeding through these paper walls and all the
make-up in the world couldn't hide the scars
I leave today, I'm packing light: a suitcase, some toiletries
The rolling hills and willow trees of Carolina wait for me
You never learned, the rules have changed since we were nine
This isn't school: boys don't assault the girls they like
The taste of blood, the claim of love: these two will here on cease
to be sprouting from your fists and tongue 'cause Carolina waits for me
Fields of grain go whipping by from the window seat
I'm drifting in, I'm drifting out catching up on sleep I couldn't get
Indentured since the very crest of 17
I left my keys and broken dreams 'cause Carolina waits for me
I will never forgive a single day
Mile markers seem to call my name and say, "you're safer now.
Through every town, we'll light your way in reflective green all the
way" The entire state of Carolina waits for me
Song2:Farmer Chords
I can't begin to compete with you and everyone knows I know you know it, too.
It's a complicated fear that grows with every year and it's walking on it's own finally
All I can offer are farmer chords, these simple rhymes and you painted in words
You can sing this when alone or whistle it through your teeth and it
will feel like home no matter how far you'll be from my lonely arms
outstretched just beyond your reach singing "ooh, baby, please..."