earthquake in china

独生子女已经是社会关注的问题,从他们的教育到人格的完全独立, 已经成为家庭,学校,和社会的话题之一.
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Five days has passed and there many news about china earthquake that happeded on May 12. Most of these news are Passive, but Istill believe such an idea: we chinese can only dependent on ourselves.

Though countries like to help china, but the developed nations responded too slow.If we do not dependent on our government, who can we chinese rely on? So I hope those who like to comment China government SHOULD think over what they will do before they do them.
I am living oversea, but I have to say there has no government is perfect. we should understand our government. Argument and debate can help nothing. 

I  hope nobody attacks me about this issue, this is my real feeling after the earthquake happened..
