4 months check up

May 24,2008, Olympia had her 4 months check, she weights 13 P 7 Oz. Growing 1 pound and 11 oz from last time. everyday looking at her cute face, I am feeling all kind of proudness and love. How wonderful daughter I got even though it was a mistake from him.But I know from my deepest heart, my choice is correct, I choosed to keep her and now I got all kinds of happiness. I am just so guilty that I have no ability to give all the time to her and also to Dalsten. How lovely children they are. They never give me too much trouble as if they know that I myself have to struggle to figure things out.

But their birth father is still arguing all the time on the money without feeling any guilty not staying with the cuttest children in the world. I wish that someday my lovely son and daughter could be also proud that they have a brave and independent mother and love they all the time from all the sides.
