Betray me once, shame on you. Betray me twice, shame on me. Let's see how 吴明 can win back the trust and love of 心颖.
lumao 发表评论于
回复huangshang的评论:see this
I think mom will listen to her son.
we will see how the story end up
huangshang 发表评论于
Actually, I think 吴明 need to do much much more than other competitors in order to win 心颖 back due to his betrayal and the damage he has done to 心颖.
huangshang 发表评论于
You want 心颖 to let her unfaithful husband to decide for her life and happiness, No Way! I totally approve 心颖's divorce. From now all, all three men or other more can compete equally.
a lot us do !!! espacially for our child, to keep a complete family for him, or just hanging over there even we are not happy with our marriage
because we dont want to gaining happyness at price of others suffering normally.
One friend said, if you are not happy with marriage, you could went apart and doing thing separately, just dont devoice- because its too expensive, isnt it? in north america.
We women need to learn to love a man without becoming his "servant". We can't give up love just because we were hurt by some men before. We are stronger than that. Love is the most wonderful thing in our live. Why give it up? Most of all, love ourself first.
acturally she has four choice
choose one from three guys, or stay as single mom and to be friend to all of them
no matter whom she choose, she might go through same sad experience again, why not stay single with her son?
If woman could independent and support her own child, I can see the need for her to go back marriage, to be servant to the husband.
lumao 发表评论于
poor man, feel pity to him,Its easy to give in,as woman, if your heart is soft.
and then forgot about your suffering in the past, just because he need you deadly like this
huangshang 发表评论于
Now, 心颖 has three guys to choose from. A very chanllenge job, HaHa