
We bought a piano for Emma one month ago, and she has played it since then. We always tell her that grandpa and grandma bought that for her. One day, during a driving, she started thinking about her piano.

Emma: grandpa and grandma love me very much because they bought piano for me.

Mom: do you love grandpa and grandma too?

Emma: yes. We should give grandpa and grandma a rose.

Mom: that is a good idea. do you want to use your money from dog bank to buy rose for grandpa and grandma?

Emma: ennn(she is thinking)... we can give them rose from your garden.

Mom: if there is no rose in mom's garden, do you want to use your money to buy?

Emma: ... no

Mom: why not?

Emma: because I want save the money for later. When Mom is old, I need it to buy mom a toy.
