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乔治死后来到地狱入口处。他注意到有一个指示牌上写着“社会主义地狱”,另一个指示牌上写着“资本主义地狱”。社会主义地狱门前排了很长的队,而资本主义地狱前一个人也没有。于是乔治问门卫:“社会主义地狱里会有怎样的待遇?”“他们会把你扔进煮沸的油里,会用鞭子抽打你,还会用刑具使你的四肢和躯干分离。”门卫回答。“那资本主义地狱里又会有怎样的待遇?”乔治又问。“是一样的。”门卫回答。“既然是这样,”乔治再问,“那为什么所有人都要排队进社会主义地狱?” “这是因为在社会主义地狱里,”门卫解释说,“总是缺少油,鞭子和刑具。”


George dies and goes to hell.  He notices one sign that says "Socialist
Hell," and another that says "Capitalist Hell." There's a long line waiting
for socialist hell, but no one waiting to get into capitalist hell. George
asks the guard, "What do they do to you in socialist hell?" "They boil you
in oil, whip you, and then put you on the rack," replies the guard. "And,
what do they do to you in capitalist hell?", George asks. "Same thing,"
says the guard. "So then," asks George, "why is everybody in line for
socialist hell?"  "Because in socialist hell," the guard explains,
"they're always out of oil, whips and racks."