Toastmasters Meeting - May-6-2008

It was another great Tosmaster meeting Tonight. The theme was "It's a National Pet Week!!"
I was Grammerian tonight. I provided a word for the day and listen for good or poor use of the English Language.
The word for today was "convivial". The definitions are
1. friendly;agreeable; a convivial atmosphere.
2. fond of feasting, drinking, and merry company; jovial.
3. of or befitting a feast; festive.
"a convivial atmosphere at the reunion"; "a woman of convivial nature";

The convivial atmosphere would continue on the way home, with a bag of toffees and more stories including, quite often, the story of How Grandpa Was Found.
-- "The foundling who got a life and a history", Times, January 6, 2000

He hated to drink to excess, disliked convivial entertaining and had no gift for bonhomie.
-- Stella Tillyard, Citizen Lord

Young Sam, steeped in the family's endless storytelling, confessions, musings about their aspirations, and bickering about politics, seemed destined to become happy and convivial.
-- Andrew Hoffman, Inventing Mark Twain

We had three speakers tonight.

Speaker#1. K. His topic was "Cats and Dogs". Matched the theme for this meeting. He is a trainer at T-mobile. He is very good at telling stories. His story was about his friend and her Cats and Dogs. Once her cat got sick, and it was given some wrong medicines by mistake and that turned out have to send her cat to pet emergicy room. His conclusion was a small thing could cause a big problem if you don't pay attention to.

Speaker#2 S. The title of her speech was "THINK". It was a wonderful speech. It was clear that she did her home work very well and got a lot of practice. The speech was introducing a new electricity car from Norway. I like the way she used "think about ..." repeatly in her speech. Like the way of Martin Luther King used "I had a dream ..." in his famous speech. Once agin, great job.

Speaker#3 M. Her speech was "The Boston Marathon". She attended the Boston Marathon a few weeks back. So she gave a talk about this Marathon. How many people join, how it orgnized, who won the Marathon. Her used a projector showed us picture taken on the Boston Marathon. Very nice speek, very informed.

Table topic Master A. printed out some pictures for animals that are going to disappear from the wild. Her table topic was what you would like to do to save those animals in the wild. 

